Researchers at Umeå University, Sweden, have discovered that how a special protein complex called the Mediator moves along genes in DNA may have an impact on how cells divide. The discovery may be important for future research into the treatment of certain diseases. The study is published in Nucleic Acids Research.
Category: futurism – Page 152
Beef recall as dire warning issued
Posted in futurism
More than 16,000 pounds of ground beef products shipped to Walmart stores may be carrying E.coli, the FSIS has warned.
Solar activity entered the growth phase a week earlier than forecast.
На Солнце около половины шестого утра по московскому времени зарегистрирована вспышка высшего балла X. Событий такой мощности не было с 22 февраля, когда произошла пока наиболее сильная вспышка текущего солнечного цикла уровня X6.3. По предварительным данным вспышка спровоцировала выбросы солнечной плазмы в космос, но точное их направление пока не понятно. В поле зрения коронографов вещество появится только примерно через час. Возможность движения облаков плазмы в сторону Земли, предварительно, исключительно высокая — активный центр, где произошел взрыв, расположен прямо напротив Земли. Оценка по наличию выброса и геомагнитный прогноз будут выданы в течение 2 часов.
A Careful Examination of Large Language Model Performance on Grade School Arithmetic How overfit are popular LLMs on public benchmarks?
Join the discussion on this paper page.
A paper in Nature Communications describes a gene that regulates the structure of social networks in fruit flies, which is named after the actor Kevin Bacon. Read the paper:
The structure of a social network is thought to be heritable in many animals, including humans. Here, Rooke and colleagues identify a gene, which they name “degrees of kevin bacon (dokb)”, that is expressed in the central nervous system of Drosophila melanogaster and regulates the structure of social networks.
A method for freely adjusting the parameters of a loop of optical fiber enables the exploration of exotic topological phases of matter.
Human activities account for a substantial amount—anywhere from 20% to more than 60%—of toxic thallium that has entered the Baltic Sea over the past 80 years, according to new research by scientists affiliated with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and other institutions.
Scientists have discovered an ocean about 700 kilometres below the Earth’s surface. It is triple the size of all the oceans on the Earth’s surface combined.
#ocean #earth #gravitas.
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Sam Altman isn’t sure the future of artificial intelligence requires new hardware.
Despite a flurry of new devices hitting the market, the OpenAI CEO told MIT Technology Review we might not need to buy separate devices to engage with AI in the future.
“I don’t think it will require a new piece of hardware,” he said while in Cambridge, Massachusetts, for events hosted by Harvard University and the venture-capital firm Xfund.
Owners of the Apple Vision Pro who are also in the developer beta can now download and install the fourth test build of visionOS 1.2.
The fourth build of visionOS 1.2 surfaces after the third, which Apple issued on April 24. The second arrived on April 16, while the first appeared on April 2.
The new build is build number 21O5580a, replacing the third beta, build number 21O5570d.