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This article is hilarious! If Google ever becomes obsolete it will do so because a new tech player with new technology took over. Too say the world will collapse or panic will happen is not reality. Anyone who remembers DEC/ Digital Corporation, WANG, etc. will tell you that a tech company often becomes obsolete when the masses / users drop the company’s tech for another competitor; and this process typically takes a few years of decline when it happens.

In this time of the internet when we have a vast amount of information available that we can easily Google to find out. This search engine has proven itself to be the most efficient tool for the entire humanity. But imagine what will happen if Google becomes obsolete or shuts down entirely at some point in the future.

Considering all the vast ranges of functionalities Google can perform, I believe the aftermath will be devastating. In fact, Google did shut down once, for a few minutes and the whole world turned upside-down.

No more searches on Google

The universe is 13.8 billion years old, while our planet formed just 4.5 billion years ago. Some scientists think this time gap means that life on other planets could be billions of years older than ours. However, new theoretical work suggests that present-day life is actually premature from a cosmic perspective.

“If you ask, ‘When is life most likely to emerge?’ you might naively say, ‘Now,’” says lead author Avi Loeb of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. “But we find that the chance of life grows much higher in the distant future.”

Life as we know it first became possible about 30 million years after the Big Bang, when the first stars seeded the cosmos with the necessary elements like carbon and oxygen. Life will end 10 trillion years from now when the last stars fade away and die. Loeb and his colleagues considered the relative likelihood of life between those two boundaries.

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