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Have you ever seen the movie called “The Haunting” with Liam Neeson and Catherine Zeta-Jones? If you have; you will appreciate this article. A living building.

The US’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is attempting to build living, self-healing, programmable buildings.

DARPA’s Engineered Living Materials (ELM) program imagines that materials like bone, skin, bark and coral could form future building blocks as they provide advantages over non-living materials built with today, in that they can be grown where needed, self-repair when damaged and respond to changes in their surroundings.

“The vision of the ELM program is to grow materials on demand where they are needed,” said ELM program manager, Justin Gallivan.

China is going to try to own tech and be the SV for the world within the next 7 years. This is definitely in process and many companies in China have been rejecting US tech products for the past several months due to US pressures about the S. China Sea and ramp up efforts to build their own tech companies to take down Apple, Google, Microsoft, etc. They do have the IP to possibly do it.

So, move over FB, Youtube, and Amazon, there is a new streaming media competitor on the horizon coming to online users near you. Lookout the remaining parts of Alphabet (namely Google), Amazon, and Microsoft.

China’s LeEco doesn’t come up much when China’s top tech firms are mentioned. Maybe it should.

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