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At some point, theoretical physics shades into science fiction. This is a beautiful little book, by a celebrated physicist and writer, about a phenomenon that is permitted by equations but might not actually exist. Or perhaps white holes do exist, and are everywhere: we just haven’t noticed them yet. No such controversy exists about black holes, wh…

Dive into the captivating story of Gz9p3, an ancient galaxy that’s challenging our understanding of the cosmos. Revealed by the James Webb Space Telescope, this galactic giant, observed just 510 million years after the Big Bang, is reshaping our views on early universe galactic formation. Join us as we explore the mysteries and wonders of Gz9p3, a window into the universe’s dawn.

00:00 Introduction.
00:54 Unveiling Gz9p3: A Glimpse into the Past.
03:16 Cosmic Collisions: Sculpting Galaxies.
05:03 Rethinking Early Universe Cosmology.
06:25 Outro.
07:13 Enjoy.

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Astronomers can use supercomputers to simulate the formation of galaxies from the Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago to the present day. But there are a number of sources of error. An international research team, led by researchers in Lund, has spent a hundred million computer hours over eight years trying to correct these.

The last decade has seen major advances in computer simulations that can realistically calculate how galaxies form. These cosmological simulations are crucial to our understanding of where galaxies, stars and planets come from. However, the predictions from such models are affected by limitations in the resolution of the simulations, as well as assumptions about a number of factors, such as how stars live and die and the evolution of the interstellar medium.

To minimise the sources of error and produce more accurate simulations, 160 researchers from 60 higher education institutions – led by Santi Roca-Fàbrega at Lund University, Ji-hoon Kim at Seoul National University and Joel R. Primack at the University of California – have collaborated and now present the results of the largest comparison of simulations done ever.

This year marks the fifth anniversary of the release of the first-ever image of a black hole, which revealed the glowing doughnut of the supermassive black hole called M87*. The research team that produced the image—the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration—recently released a second image of that same black hole, which lies 55 million light years from Earth [1]. This image comes from an updated version of the EHT and confirms key features of the black hole while also revealing changes over time in the pattern of light emanating from the disk surrounding the object. Starting with this release, the collaboration expects to issue increasingly frequent updates in support of the newly developing field of black hole imaging.

“Producing the first image of M87* was a herculean effort and involved creating, testing, and verifying many different schemes and approaches to analyzing and interpreting the data,” says Princeton University astrophysicist Andrew Chael, a member of the EHT Collaboration. “Now we are beginning to transition to a point where we understand our instrument and our analysis frameworks really well, so I think we are going to be releasing results a lot more quickly.”

Supermassive black holes are extremely distant and compact objects, two properties that make them extraordinarily difficult to image. For example, M87* appears to us as no bigger than an orange on the Moon as viewed from Earth. The 2019 image of M87* was pieced together using data collected in April 2017 from eight radio telescopes spread across the globe. All the telescopes in that array collected data simultaneously, allowing scientists to treat them as one giant radio-wave detector. The bigger a radio telescope, the smaller the objects it can image, and an Earth-sized detector opened the possibility of observing sources as small as supermassive black holes. So far, the EHT has imaged M87* and Sagittarius A*, the black hole at the center of the Milky Way (see Research News: First Image of the Milky Way’s Black Hole).

Researchers analyzed emission data from quasar 3C 273 using two theoretical models, revealing complexities in understanding quasar behavior and the mechanics of supermassive black holes.

In a new paper in The Astrophysical Journal, JILA Fellow Jason Dexter, graduate student Kirk Long, and other collaborators compared two main theoretical models for emission data for a specific quasar, 3C 273. Using these theoretical models, astrophysicists like Dexter can better understand how these quasars form and change over time.

Quasars, or active galactic nuclei (AGN), are believed to be powered by supermassive black holes at their centers. Among the brightest objects in the universe, quasars emit a brilliant array of light across the electromagnetic spectrum. This emission carries vital information about the nature of the black hole and surrounding regions, providing clues that astrophysicists can exploit to better understand the black hole’s dynamics.

Scientists are eager to tackle perplexing questions using DUNE, such as the mystery of why the universe is made of matter and how black holes arise from exploding stars.

Moreover, they want to understand the potential connections between neutrinos, dark matter, and other yet-to-be-discovered particles.

These caverns will soon be home to four large neutrino detectors, each the size of a seven-story building.