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An international team of astronomers has investigated a newly detected Type II supernova designated SN 2024jlf. The new study, detailed in a paper published Jan. 30 on the arXiv pre-print server, yields important information regarding the evolution of this supernova and the nature of its progenitor.

Type II supernovae (SNe) are the results of rapid collapse and violent explosion of massive stars (with masses above 8.0 solar masses). They are distinguished from other SNe by the presence of hydrogen in their spectra.

Based on the shape of their light curves, they are usually divided into Type IIL and Type IIP. Type IIL SNe show a steady (linear) decline after the explosion, while Type IIP exhibit a period of slower decline (a plateau) that is followed by a normal decay.

Theoretical physicists have long been trying to devise a complete theory of gravity that would also account for quantum mechanics phenomena, as existing models do not. Such a theory could collectively explain the many intricate physical and cosmological phenomena observed over the past decades.

Researchers at University of Maryland and University of British Columbia recently carried out a theoretical study exploring the possibility that holography, an approach to that includes some features of conventional holograms, could be used to describe quantum mechanical phenomena. Their paper, published in Physical Review Letters, introduces a theoretical argument that could suggests a link between observable cosmological phenomena and the that would underpin wormhole spacetimes.

“Coming up with a theory of gravity that includes the physics of quantum mechanics has been a major forefront area in for decades,” Mark Van Raamsdonk, one of the researchers who carried out the study, told “This is necessary to really understand the physics of black holes and the Big Bang, and to make progress towards a fully unified theory of physics.

Scattering takes place across the universe at large and miniscule scales. Billiard balls clank off each other in bars, the nuclei of atoms collide to power the stars and create heavy elements, and even sound waves deviate from their original trajectory when they hit particles in the air.

Understanding such scattering can lead to discoveries about the forces that govern the universe. In a recent publication in Physical Review C, researchers from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), the InQubator for Quantum Simulations and the University of Trento developed an algorithm for a quantum computer that accurately simulates scattering.

“Scattering experiments help us probe and their interactions,” said LLNL scientist Sofia Quaglioni. “The scattering of particles in matter [materials, atoms, molecules, nuclei] helps us understand how that matter is organized at a .”

Scientists have just discovered the largest structure ever found in the universe, and it’s changing everything we thought we knew about space! Quipu, a superstructure spanning 1.3 billion light-years, is bending light, distorting cosmic expansion, and even affecting the Cosmic Microwave Background. What does this mean for our understanding of dark matter, energy, and galaxy evolution? Watch this video to explore Quipu’s secrets and their impact on the universe! 🚀✨ paper link: MUSIC TITLE : Starlight Harmonies MUSIC LINK : Visit our website for up-to-the-minute updates: Follow us Facebook: Twitter: Join this channel to get access to these perks: #NSN #NASA #Astronomy#SpaceDiscovery #Quipu #LargestStructure #Astronomy #Cosmos #BiggestThingInSpace #DarkMatter #GalaxyClusters #SpaceScience #NASA #Astrophysics #CosmicWeb #ScienceNews #MindBlowing #Intergalactic #BlackHoles #Physics #TimeAndSpace #Superstructure #Galaxies #Universe #Science #Exoplanets #MilkyWay #Astronomers #XrayMapping #SpaceTech #BeyondTheStars #FutureOfSpace #CosmicEvolution …

A study published in the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (JCAP) presents a methodology to test the assumption of cosmic homogeneity and isotropy, known as the Cosmological Principle, by leveraging weak gravitational lensing—a light distortion effect described by general relativity—in astronomical images collected by new observatories such as the Euclid Space Telescope. Finding evidence of anomalies in the Cosmological Principle could have profound implications for our current understanding of the universe.

“The Cosmological Principle is like an ultimate kind of statement of humility,” explains James Adam, astrophysicist at the University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa, and lead author of the new paper. According to the Cosmological Principle, not only are we not at the center of the universe, but a true center does not exist.

A further assumption, similar to but distinct and independent from homogeneity, is that the universe is also isotropic, meaning it has no preferred directions. These assumptions underlie the Standard Model of Cosmology, the theoretical framework used to explain the origin, evolution, and current state of the universe. It is currently the most robust and consistent model, verified by numerous scientific observations, though not yet perfect.

The Hubble Space Telescope’s ability to capture such detailed images of SN 2022AAJN represents a milestone in astronomical exploration. With its unprecedented image quality, Hubble provides astronomers with the means to explore cosmic events in greater depth and detail. This capability marks the start of a new era in astronomical science, where advanced imaging combines with cutting-edge data analysis tools, like machine learning, to accelerate discoveries and deepening our understanding of cosmic events such as supernovae and dark energy.

For further exploration and updates in astronomical research, visit the following resource: NASA. Here, you can find more in-depth insights, latest news, and upcoming events related to astronomical advancements.

Using atomic clocks and ultra-stable lasers, they tracked subtle changes in time to detect hidden dark matter waves. By measuring precision shifts across vast distances, the study opens doors to new discoveries in fundamental physics.

Unveiling Dark Matter with a Bold New Approach

A team of international researchers has developed a novel method to investigate dark matter, the mysterious substance believed to hold galaxies together.

Kavli IPMU Professor John Silverman said, “Vera Rubin provided the first evidence for dark matter using the rotation curves of nearby local galaxies. We’re using the same technique but now in the early Universe.”

Blue-shifted (towards researchers) and redshifted (away) gas show velocity changes in the galaxy. Unlike past studies, which showed less dark matter in the galaxy’s outskirts, their data shows a flat rotation curve, indicating that more dark matter is needed for high velocities.

These findings shed light on the relationship between dark matter and supermassive black holes, helping us understand galaxy evolution from the early Universe to today.

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