

Archive for the ‘cosmology’ category: Page 345

May 21, 2017

Gravitational Waves Are Permanently Warping The Fabric of Space-Time

Posted by in categories: cosmology, physics

Researchers have proposed a method for detecting exotic events in physics by looking for the scars they leave behind on the fabric of space.

By identifying how objects like cosmic strings or evaporating black holes leave behind memories of their existence on the Universe, it might be possible to move some rather strange phenomena from theoretical to empirical science.

It all comes down to an effect of general relativity called gravitational-wave memory, which is the distortion left behind as space is stretched and relaxed by a massive object.

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May 17, 2017

Is our universe merely one of an infinite number?

Posted by in category: cosmology

Experts suggest that the cooler area could be caused by our universe colliding with another.

If true, this could provide evidence for the multiverse theory.

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May 12, 2017

Comet 67P Found to Be Producing Its Own Oxygen in Deep Space

Posted by in categories: cosmology, evolution

RELATED: Building Blocks for Life Found in Rosetta’s Comet

“Understanding the origin of molecular oxygen in space is important for the evolution of the Universe and the origin of life on Earth,” the researchers wrote.

The finding muddies the waters in how detecting oxygen in the atmospheres of exoplanets might not necessarily point to life, as this abiotic process means that oxygen can be produced in space without the need for life. The researchers say this finding might influence how researchers search for signs of life on exoplanets in the future.

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May 12, 2017

How Close Would a Supernova Have to Be to Kill Us All?

Posted by in category: cosmology

New research suggests that exploding stars may still be deadly twice as far away as previously thought.

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May 12, 2017

Antiproton count hints at dark matter annihilation

Posted by in category: cosmology

Antimatter in cosmic rays could be a sign of dark matter.

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May 4, 2017

Astronomers Capture the First ‘Image’ of the Dark Matter That Holds the Universe Together

Posted by in categories: computing, cosmology

For decades, scientists have tracked hints of a thread-like structure that ties together galaxies across the universe. Theories, computer models, and indirect observations have indicated that there is a cosmic web of dark matter that connects galaxies and constitutes the large-scale structure of the cosmos. But while the filaments that make up this web are massive, dark matter is incredibly difficult to observe.

Now, researchers have produced what they say is the first composite image of a dark matter filament that connects galaxies together.

“This image moves us beyond predictions to something we can see and measure,” said Mike Hudson, a professor of astronomy at the University of Waterloo in Canada, co-author of a new study published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

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Apr 28, 2017

An Alternate Universe: Our Cosmos May Have Been Spawned by a Hypermassive Black Hole

Posted by in categories: cosmology, singularity

Siegel explains how this is possible:

“As the black hole first formed, the event horizon first came to be, then rapidly expanded and continued to grow as more matter continued to fall in. If you were to put a coordinate grid down on this two-dimensional wrapping, you’d find that it originated where the gridlines were very close together, then expanded rapidly as the black hole formed, and then expanded more and more slowly as matter fell in at a much lower rate. This matches, at least conceptually, what we observe for the expansion rate of our three-dimensional universe.”

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Apr 25, 2017

WIMPs in the dark matter wind

Posted by in category: cosmology

We know which way the dark matter wind should blow. Now we just have to find it.

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Apr 21, 2017

A naked singularity: Can we spot the most extreme object in the universe?

Posted by in categories: cosmology, physics, singularity

A team of scientists at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai, India, have found new ways to detect a bare or naked singularity, the most extreme object in the universe.

When the fuel of a very massive star is spent, it collapses due to its own gravitational pull and eventually becomes a very small region of arbitrarily high matter density, that is a ‘Singularity’, where the usual laws of physics may breakdown. If this singularity is hidden within an event horizon, which is an invisible closed surface from which nothing, not even light, can escape, then we call this object a black hole.

In such a case, we cannot see the singularity and we do not need to bother about its effects. But what if the event horizon does not form? In fact, Einstein’s theory of general relativity does predict such a possibility when massive stars collapse at the end of their life-cycles. In this case, we are left with the tantalizing option of observing a naked singularity.

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Apr 19, 2017

Physicists create mind-bending ‘negative mass’ that accelerates backwards and could help explain black holes

Posted by in categories: cosmology, physics

Scientists have created a fluid with “negative mass” which they claim can be used to explore some of the more challenging concepts of the cosmos.

Washington State University physicists explained that this mass, unlike every physical object in the world we know, accelerates backwards when pushed.

The phenomenon, which is rarely created in laboratory conditions, shows a less intuitive side of Newton’s Second Law of Motion, in which a force is equal to the mass of an object times its acceleration (F=ma).

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