A new effort to map the rumblings in spacetime caused by enormous black hole collisions paints a surprisingly loud and lopsided picture of the universe.
Category: cosmology – Page 25
Astrophysicists have recently made a groundbreaking discovery that is sending shockwaves through the scientific community: an immense cluster of dark matter, equivalent to the mass of 10 million suns, is moving closer to our solar system. The mysterious nature of this phenomenon and its potential consequences for Earth have sparked concern and a flurry of research efforts to understand what this means for humanity and the universe itself.
Dark matter — one of the grand enigmas of astrophysics; yet there is no radiation-emission, absorption, reflection-of light. It does make stars and galaxies rotate a lot faster than they ever did before. The only clues scientists have about what 27% of its quantity is in the cosmos versus only 5% by ordinary matter are of itself.
Explained astrophysicist Dr. Lydia Harmon: “Dark matter is like the scaffolding of the universe, holding the galaxies together. Without it, the cosmic structure as we know it wouldn’t exist. But the idea of such a massive concentration headed toward us raises unprecedented questions.”
Thus, when one looks back in time, say by looking at light from a distant galaxy that has traveled billions of years to reach us, this is akin to “zooming out” on the hologram and making its details fuzzier in the process. This zooming out can continue until all the details of the hologram disappear altogether, which in the model of the universe suggested by Hawking and Hertog, would be the origin of time at the Big Bang.
“The crux of our hypothesis is that when you go back in time, to this earliest, violent, unimaginably complicated phase of the universe, in that phase you find a deeper level of evolution, a level in which even the laws of physics co-evolve with the universe that is taking shape,” Hertog said. “And the consequence is that if you push everything even further backward, into the Big Bang, so to speak, even the laws of physics disappear.”
The DESI collaboration’s latest research supports the standard model of gravity and hints at evolving dark energy, based on a detailed analysis of data from millions of galaxies and quasars. These results contribute significantly to understanding the accelerated expansion of the universe.
A physicist from the University of Texas at Dallas, alongside an international team of researchers in the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) collaboration, is conducting a multiyear mission to tackle one of astrophysics’ biggest mysteries: Why is the universe’s expansion accelerating?
Scientists have proposed competing theories to explain this phenomenon. One theory suggests that dark energy, an unknown force, is driving galaxies apart. Another theory posits that gravity—the force that binds objects together in local systems like our solar system—behaves differently on vast cosmic scales and may need to be revised to account for the accelerating expansion.
Time moving forwards and backward in plank time intervals? It is a legitimate possibility in physics since matter and anti-matter are identical in every aspect but mirror each other. Electrons, positrons, and other particles oppose each other as matter and anti-matter.
I argue that empty space-time acts as two mirror fields, causing matter to behave like anti-matter. The same matter in the opposite space-time field (reverse time) acts as anti-matter. As time progresses in a Möbius-like shape moves forward, and A 720-degree rotation needs to come back to its original state. These back-and-forth rapid flips cause all matter within our universe to be cut into quanta or packets, Showing packets and wave characters. while in the backward arrow of time, everything flips and is shown as anti-matter.
Space-time does not advance in time in 1 direction only, as its fields change backward and forward as frequently as Planck time remains constant, only changing directions rapidly between positive and negative (past and future), meaning time goes backward and forward, while matter within this space-time also mirrors itself. However, matter moves forward in our time-space universe towards the future since we can add all the Planck times in positive space-time intervals (we are sensing in our mind only the positive space-time intervals). Our universe is the sum of the positive side of space-time, while there is another parallel anti-universe with antimatter in negative space-time. These two universes never meet and move parallel to each other. We don’t notice the mirror universe in which our mirror self exists since the present time is only 1 plank time. next plank time will be the future and previous is already in the past.
Two parts of our Universe that seem to be unavoidable are dark matter and dark energy. Could they really be two aspects of the same thing?
As physicists continue their struggle to find and explain the origin of dark matter, the approximately 80% of the matter in the universe that we can’t see and so far haven’t been able to detect, researchers have now proposed a model where it is produced before the Big Bang.
Their idea is that dark matter would be produced during a infinitesimally short inflationary phase when the size of the universe quickly expanded exponentially. The new model was published in Physical Review Letters by three scientists from Texas in the US.
An intriguing idea among cosmologists is that dark matter was produced through its interaction with a thermal bath of some species, and its abundance is created by “freeze-out” or “freeze-in.” In the freeze-out scenario, dark matter is in chemical equilibrium with the bath at the earliest times—the concentration of each does not change with time.
Was dark matter created some time after the Big Bang? Gravitational wave detectors could soon find the answer.
For now, the duo’s results suggest that the Dark Big Bang is far less constrained by past observations than Freese and Winkler originally anticipated. As Ilie explains, their constraints could soon be put to the test.
“We examined two Dark Big Bang scenarios in this newly found parameter space that produce gravitational wave signals in the sensitivity ranges of existing and upcoming surveys,” he says. “In combination with those considered in Freese and Winkler’s paper, these cases could form a benchmark for gravitational wave researchers as they search for evidence of a Dark Big Bang in the early universe.”
Space-time may not be continuous but instead made up of many discrete bits – and we may be able to see their effects near the edges of unusually bright black holes.