

Archive for the ‘computing’ category: Page 713

Jun 9, 2016

First Demonstration of 10-Photon Quantum Entanglement

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

The ability to entangle 10 photons should allow physicists to prove, once and for all, that quantum computers really can do things classical computers cannot.

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Jun 9, 2016

Analogue quantum computation has been universally digitized using superconducting circuits

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

The QUTIS research group ( of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and Google’s quantum computation team have collaborated on a pioneering experiment that universally digitizes analogue quantum computation on a superconducting chip. This breakthrough was made at Google’s labs in Santa Barbara (California) and has been published in the prestigious journal Nature.

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Jun 8, 2016

Steve Wozniak: Computers Won’t Be Smarter than People

Posted by in category: computing

Sentient machines rising up against mankind? The Apple co-founder isn’t worried, and he can explain why.

By Tess Townsend.

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Jun 8, 2016

World-first pinpointing of atoms at work for quantum computers

Posted by in categories: computing, particle physics, quantum physics


Scientists can now identify the exact location of a single atom in a silicon crystal, a discovery that is key for greater accuracy in tomorrow’s silicon based quantum computers.

It’s now possible to track and see individual phosphorus atoms in a silicon crystal allowing confirmation of quantum computing capability, but which also has use in nano detection devices.

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Jun 8, 2016

US intelligence unit to advance management of virtual desktop security, systems

Posted by in categories: computing, security

Getting a handle on cloud-based virtual operations is no easy task. Next month researchers from the Intelligence Advance Research Projects Activity (IARPA) will introduce a new program that looks to address that management concern by developing better technology to manage and secure Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) environments.

+More on Network World: Intelligence agency wants computer scientists to develop brain-like computers +

IARPA, the radical research arm of the of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence will introduce the Virtuous User Environment (VirtUE) which it says aims to “creatively define and develop user environments that are more dynamic, secure, auditable, transferrable, and efficient than the current offerings provided by traditional physical workstations and commercial VDI; develop innovative, dynamic analytics and infrastructures that can leverage these newly developed user environments to both automatically detect and deter security threats that IC user environments will be subject to in the new cloud infrastructure.”

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Jun 8, 2016

Future humans: Immortal, jobless and genius

Posted by in categories: augmented reality, biotech/medical, computing, cyborgs, drones, internet, life extension, mobile phones, virtual reality

What will we do when money has no meaning? And if everyone gets life extension what will today’s mega rich think and/or do about it?

May you live in interesting times – A curse, origin unknown

One of the ‘curses’ usually attributed to ancient China, but frequently thrown around in today’s society is ‘May you live in interesting times’, suggesting that living in turbulent times, no matter the cause, is somehow a bad thing.

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Jun 8, 2016

Google moves closer to a universal quantum computer

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

Combining the best of analog and digital approaches could yield a full-scale multipurpose quantum computer.

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Jun 8, 2016

Pairing nanodiamonds with other nanomaterials could enable huge advances in nanotechnology

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, business, computing, nanotechnology, quantum physics

Very promising. I imagine 3D Printers being able to create synthesize diamonds will be a very profitable business to get in to because of the stabilizing benefits that the nanodiamonds bring to Quantum Computing and nanotechnology in general.

Nanomaterials have the potential to improve many next-generation technologies. They promise to speed up computer chips, increase the resolution of medical imaging devices and make electronics more energy efficient. But imbuing nanomaterials with the right properties can be time consuming and costly. A new, quick and inexpensive method for constructing diamond-based hybrid nanomaterials could soon launch the field forward.

University of Maryland researchers developed a method to build diamond-based hybrid nanoparticles in large quantities from the ground up, thereby circumventing many of the problems with current methods. The technique is described in the June 8, 2016 issue of the journal Nature Communications (“Nanostructures for Coupling Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers to Metal Nanoparticles and Semiconductor Quantum Dots”).

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Jun 8, 2016

Google’s New Quantum Computer May Be Best Of Both Worlds

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics


Engineers at the search engine giant combine the two major quantum computing techniques.

Originally published:

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Jun 8, 2016

Our Skynet Moment: Debating Morality Of AI – Analysis

Posted by in categories: computing, robotics/AI, security

The rapid growth of artificial intelligence (AI) has serious implications for our future. The issues and their oversight are not just the domain of computer engineers, technologists and AI experts. Policymakers, Smart Nation experts and security officials too should come together with them to ponder implications and set out the parameters, if needed, for future research and development.

By Shashi Jayakumar(

In March this year, AlphaGo, a machine created by Google’s artificial intelligence (AI) arm, DeepMind, trounced Lee Sedol, a grandmaster at Go, the ancient Chinese game. AlphaGo used cutting-edge AI to beat a player acknowledged to be one of the greatest ever.

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