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The announcement comes from the journal Science, which published Phase 1 results of a small clinical trial for a vaccine technology that aims to cause the body to create a rare kind of cell.

“At the most general level, the trial results show that one can design vaccines that induce antibodies with pre-specified genetic features, and this may herald a new era of precision vaccines,” William Schief, PhD, a researcher at The Scripps Research Institute and study co-author, told the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

The study was the first to test the approach in humans and was effective in 97% – or 35 of 36 – participants. The vaccine technology is called “germline targeting.” Trial results show that “one can design a vaccine that elicits made-to-order antibodies in humans,” Schief said in a news release.

Aging inevitably increases the risk of disease, as exemplified by CAD, AD, and cancer. Monitoring the aging process and understanding its mechanisms will not only enhance early diagnoses, it may also provide strategies for the early prevention and treatment of diseases. While biomarkers for cellular senescence in in vitro cultured mammalian cells are already well-defined, those that define in vivo senescence/aging at the systemic level remain scarce. Here, we generated a targeted Glb1+/m allele at the Glb1 locus that encodes β-galactosidase. The GAC signal indicates Glb1 level. The results reveal that the live-imaged GAC signal is linearly correlated with chronological age, but only in middle-aged mice (9–13 months). High GAC at the MA stage was associated with cardiac hypertrophy and shortened lifespan. Moreover, GAC signal was exponentially increased in pathological lung fibrosis induced by BLM. Thus, this in vivo reporter mouse can faithfully monitor systemic aging and organ functional decline in a manner closely associated with lifespan, and provides an ideal system for studying aging mechanisms and developing anti-aging manipulations.

The upregulation of p16Ink4a transcription and elevated SAβ-gal staining are both well-established and widely used biomarkers for cellular senescence17, and the former led to the generation of live-imaging aging reporter mice20,22,23. Intriguingly, high level of p16Ink4a, indicated by luciferase activity, predicts cancer initiation rather than lifespan. Similarly, the in vivo application of SAβ-gal as a senescence marker at the tissue level is also limited. Positive SAβ-gal-staining is easy to obtain in kidney and adipose tissue sections but difficult to obtain in blood vessel and heart sections. By SAβ-gal staining, not many positive cells were detected in old individuals26. It raises the question of whether SAβ-gal labels in vivo senescence or if the percentage of in vivo senescent cells is indeed very low.

Researchers at Oregon Health & Science University have discovered a key molecule that contributes to understanding and treating neurological diseases like epilepsy and autism.

Researchers at Oregon Health & Science University have discovered a long-sought gene-encoded protein that allows the brain to communicate a number of signals across synapses, or gaps between neurons.

The discovery was recently published in the journal Nature.

A new treatment for Parkinson’s disease that sees stem cells grown in the laboratory and transformed into nerve cells replace those destroyed by the disease will start first trials with patients in the next few months, according to a report by The Observer published on Sunday.

The treatment aims to stop the spread of the disease’s devastating symptoms.

New advances in medical science may improve health of older people and extend lift, perhaps just long enough for more advanced future therapies.#longevity #health #healthspan What is the next step and how can we combine different therapies and test if we can rejuvenate an adult mouse, and humans?Our guest speaker Aubrey de Grey present what may come next.

If you wish to check the links to the sites mentioned in the discussion: https://www.levf.orghealthspanaction.orga4li.orglessdeath.orgTo donate to Longevity Escape Velocity Foundation (LEVF) and to the rejuvenation research:

This is a followup trial result to the first trial that reported 2.5 years of epigenetic age reversal This has interesting reports from the actual patients about how they feel and the changes it made to them. After the first trial I sent an email to see if I could do this but I have IBS which Fahy said would disqualify me.

Dr. Greg Fahy gives an update on the TRIIM-X clinical trial at EARD 2022.

The TRIIM-X clinical trial aims to understand how to create a personalized thymus regeneration regimen. By regenerating the thymus, the researchers hope to be able to prevent or reverse certain aspects of immune system aging.

Walking pneumonia is an informal term for pneumonia that isn’t severe enough to require bed rest or hospitalization. You may feel like you have a cold. The symptoms are generally so mild that you don’t feel you need to stay home from work or school, so you are out walking around.

Chances are you won’t see a doctor for your mild symptoms. If you do see a doctor, you may not seem sick enough to need a chest X-ray, which is the way to diagnose any kind of pneumonia.

Walking pneumonia is often caused by a type of bacterium that produces milder symptoms that come on more gradually than do those of other types of pneumonia. The illness often is brought home by young children who contract it at school. Family members of infected children typically begin having symptoms two or three weeks later. This kind of pneumonia can be treated with an antibiotic.