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Take a look at the ingredients in any jar of moisturizer and it’ll almost certainly contain hyaluronic acid.

The gel-like substance helps your skin stretch and flex, and reduces lines and wrinkles. It also helps wounds to heal faster and can reduce scarring.

But hyaluronic acid, also known as hyaluron, is costly to produce and raises ethical concerns because it’s largely derived from animal tissue.

How To Own Yourself (Jungian Philosophy)
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In this video we will be talking about how to own yourself from the philosophy of Carl Jung. He found his own school of psychology, called analytical psychology and his philosophy is dubbed as “Jungian philosophy”. Within the field of psychology, Jung is famously known for introducing the terms ‘introvert’ and ‘extravert,’ introducing archetypes of the psyche and classifying the boundary between the unconscious and conscious. Our consciousness includes everything that we know about ourselves; the unconsciousness entails everything that is part of us but that we are not aware of. Jung introduced ‘the ego’ and ‘the persona’ as our consciousness, and ‘the shadow’ and ‘the animus and anima’ as the parts that make up our unconsciousness. The shadow is one of the toughest, most intimidating parts to handle: it exists out of everything about ourselves that we dislike, which is why we often refuse to acknowledge it as a part of us. However, what many people don’t know is that not facing the shadow can be an even more intense blow on your self-esteem. But facing it is actually the only way to gain true control over yourself and who you are.

Which is why in this video, we will teach you how you can truly own yourself by doing so-called shadow work in 3 easy steps, from the philosophy of Carl Jung.
Step 1 — Meet Your Shadow.
Step 2 — Accept Your Shadow.
Step 3 — Integrate Your Shadow.
I hope you enjoyed watching the video and hope that this wisdom on owning yourself from the philosophy of Carl Jung will be helpful in your life.

Carl Jung, together with Sigmund Freud and Alfred Adler, is one of the 3 founders of psychoanalysis which is a set of psychological theories and methods aiming to release repressed emotions and experiences — in other words, to make the unconscious conscious. Jung was born in Switzerland in 1,875 and died in 1961, leaving behind great works in the fields of psychiatry, anthropology, archaeology, literature, philosophy, psychology and religious studies. Jung had Freud as a mentor for a good part of his career but later he departed from him. This division was painful for Jung and it led him to found his own school of psychology, called analytical psychology as a comprehensive system separate from psychoanalysis. If classical psychoanalysis focuses on the patient’s past, as early experiences are very important in personality development, analytical psychology primarily focuses on the present, on mythology, folklore, and cultural experiences, to try to understand human consciousness. One of the most important ideas of analytical psychology which Jung founded is the process of individuation, which is the process of finding the self — something Jung considered an important task in human development. While he did not formulate a systematic philosophy, he is nonetheless considered a sophisticated philosopher — his school of thought dubbed “Jungian philosophy”. Its concepts can apply to many topics covered in the humanities and the social sciences. A good part of his work was published after his death and indeed there are still some articles written by him that to this day have yet to be published. Some of his most important books are: “Psychology of the Unconscious”, “Man and His Symbols”, “The Archetypes and The Collective Unconscious”, “Modern Man In Search of a Soul”, “The Psychology of the Transference”, “Memories, Dreams, Thoughts”, and “The Relations Between the Ego and the Unconscious”. Besides being a great writer and a researcher, he was also an artist, a craftsman and even a builder. His contribution is enormous and there is a great deal we can learn from his works.

Scientists at St. Anna Children’s Cancer Research Institute and the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen have shown that immunotherapy after stem cell transplantation effectively combats certain nerve tumors in children. Crucially, stem cells from a parent provide children with a new immune system that responds much better to immunotherapies. These results of an early clinical trial were published in the prestigious Journal of Clinical Oncology.

Childhood tumors of the nervous system, known as neuroblastomas, are associated with an unfavorable prognosis if the tumor is classified as a high-risk type. The chances are particularly poor for patients in the relapsed stage. In this case, immunotherapy following stem cell transplantation is now associated with in a substantial proportion of the patients included in a recent study. Compared to an earlier study the survival rate was increased.

“After the transplantation of from a parent, the patients are equipped with a new immune system. This enables a better immune response to the subsequent immunotherapy and clearly improves the outcome,” explains Prof. Ruth Ladenstein, MD, head of the Studies & Statistics group for Integrated Research and Projects (S2IRP) at St. Anna Children’s Cancer Research Institute and professor at the Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine at MedUni Vienna, who played a key role as co-first author.

Health experts warn that rotting bodies could risk major disease outbreaks, particularly as Sudan approaches cholera season Thousands of corpses are rotting on the streets of Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, as power outages have left morgues at breaking point, according to Save The Children. Doctors have warned that the decomposing bodies could risk major disease outbreaks, particularly as Sudan meets its cholera season.

Age is a risk factor for hematologic malignancies. Attributes of the aging hematopoietic system include increased myelopoiesis, impaired adaptive immunity, and a functional decline of the hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) that maintain hematopoiesis. Changes in the composition of diverse HSC subsets have been suggested to be responsible for age-related alterations, however, the underlying regulatory mechanisms are incompletely understood in the context of HSC heterogeneity. In this study, we investigated how distinct HSC subsets, separated by CD49b, functionally and molecularly change their behavior with age. We demonstrate that blood lineage differentiation progressively shifts to a higher myeloid cellular output in both lymphoid-biased and myeloid-biased HSC subsets during aging. In parallel, we show that HSCs selectively undergo age-dependent gene expression and gene regulatory molecular changes in a progressive manner, which is initiated already in the pre-adult stage. Overall, our studies suggest that aging intrinsically alters both cellular and molecular properties of HSCs.

The authors have declared no competing interest.

The transfer of a neurotransmitter from one type of skin cell to another (melanocytes to keratinocytes) altered electrical activity and promoted melanoma initiation in preclinical models, according to results published in Cancer Discovery, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research.

Melanoma is a deadly form of skin cancer that develops in melanin-containing skin cells known as melanocytes. An intrinsic feature of melanocytes is their ability to secrete melanin-containing vesicles to surrounding skin cells called keratinocytes to give skin its color.

While approximately half of all melanomas harbor mutations in the BRAF gene, these mutations are present in many benign skin lesions as well.