

Archive for the ‘biotech/medical’ category: Page 2111

Sep 3, 2018

‘It’s not if, it’s when’: the deadly pig disease spreading around the world

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Swine fever has made its way into China, home to half the world’s pigs. Farmers in Estonia are already counting the cost.

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Sep 3, 2018

Realize the Promise of Gene-Edited Crops

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, food, genetics

A far better approach, then, is the middle course. Rather than prejudge the products of biotechnology, regulators should screen new plants and single out those that might need special monitoring or restrictions. In the U.S., the Food and Drug Administration does something similar on a voluntary basis for foods made from plants with engineered proteins. Companies submit data about their new products, and if the FDA decides it has no further questions, they can claim their foods are “generally recognized as safe.”

Europe and the U.S. should avoid an all-or-nothing approach to regulating plants made with Crispr.

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Sep 2, 2018

New therapy spurs nerve fibers to regrow through scar tissue, transmit signals after spinal cord injury in rodents

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Findings from the UCLA study could lead to new treatments for patients.

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Sep 2, 2018

The Potential of Deep Learning Technology to Transform Health Care

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, health, robotics/AI

In this Viewpoint, Geoffrey Hinton of Google’s Brain Team discusses the basics of neural networks: their underlying data structures, how they can be trained and combined to process complex health data sets, and future prospects for harnessing their unsupervised learning to clinical challenges.

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Sep 2, 2018

Watch This Robot Spider Come to Life

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

This robot spider could one day be used in medical procedures.

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Sep 2, 2018

Neuralink: How The Human Brain Will Download Directly From a Computer

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

As an immediate application, Neural Lace could potentially help patients suffering from brain injuries and certain illnesses. However, the utimate goal and mission of Neuralink are to successfully merge the human brain with machine, fusing human intelligence with Artificial Intelligence. As a result, this is expected to bring humanity up to a higher level of cognitive reasoning.

Neural Lace: How it works

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Sep 2, 2018

New pill could see humans live to 150 ‘for the price of a coffee’

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

An extraordinary new anti-ageing technique could see humans live to 150 years old and allow them to regrow their organs by 2020.

Harvard Professor David Sinclair and researchers from the University of New South Wales developed the new process, which involves reprogramming cells.

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Sep 2, 2018

The man who tried to catalog humanity

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics

Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza, known simply as “Luca” to generations of human geneticists, died this week at age 96. More than any other human geneticist, Cavalli-Sforza believed in the potential of genes and culture together to trace humanity’s origins. In the course of his work, he pioneered new ideas and models that brought together these two distinct areas of science.

Like most scientists, many of his ideas would turn out to be wrong in the details. But his work helped form the foundation of our current knowledge of human genome variation across the world.

In 1991, Cavalli-Sforza wrote an essay for Scientific American that explained the course of his life’s work to that point. He recollected a time as a young man when he worked in the Cambridge laboratory of Ronald A. Fisher, one of the founders of modern evolutionary theory.

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Sep 2, 2018

As Florida’s toxic red tide stretches on, residents report health problems

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, health

The red tide that is choking Florida’s southwest coast is causing symptoms including coughs, headaches and shortness of breath, local doctors say.

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Sep 1, 2018

66% of Cancers Are Caused by DNA Error, Not Environment or Lifestyle, Finds Johns Hopkins Study

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Two-thirds of all cancers are caused by DNA replication errors, according to Johns Hopkins researchers. But don’t light a celebratory cigarette just yet.

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