The human brain, just like whatever you’re reading this on, uses electricity to function. Neurons are constantly sending and receiving electrical signals. Everyone’s brain works a bit differently, and scientists are now getting closer to establishing how electrical activity is functioning in individual patients’ brains and how to stimulate it to treat neurological and psychiatric disorders. Some scientists are even using advanced AI predictive technology to enhance their brain stimulation therapy methods.
Category: biotech/medical – Page 1449
Local health authorities in several parts of the United States are monitoring dozens of travelers for Ebola after the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) ordered airlines to collect information on people who’d been in several western African countries, including Guinea or the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Washington state is monitoring at least 23 travelers. Another 45 are being watched in Ohio. Four people are also being monitored in Oregon.
Ebola is highly contagious and causes severe illness that often leads to death. Symptoms include fever, headache, pain and unexplained bleeding or bruising.
That might actually make sense. Cancer spreads through the body because the immune system doesn’t see the threat for what it is and so takes no action. But if the body has Cancer AND covid the immune system sends in it’s heaviest guns on a search and destroy mission. Then, while attacking cov8d it detects something ELSE that shouldn’t be there and kills it too.
I’m no expert, but it does make a lot of sense 5o me.
Covid may have caused a cancer patient’s tumours to vanish, according to doctors, who said it could have sparked an “anti-tumour immune response” in the man.
The 61-year-old patient at the Royal Cornwall Hospital in Truro had a check-up last summer after being diagnosed with Hogkin’s Lymphoma, a rare blood cancer that affects 2100 people in the UK each year.
Scientists injected dozens of human stem cells into developing monkey embryos, and the resulting hybrids survived for up to 20 days in lab dishes.
These human-monkey embryos could someday serve as helpful models for human disease, embryonic development and aging, the study authors noted in a new report, published April 15 in the journal Cell. By zooming in on the interaction of human and animal cells in the embryos, scientists could also learn how to help human cells survive amongst animal cells, potentially advancing the effort to grow human organs in living animal models.
This is one of the major problems in medicine — organ transplantation,” said Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte, a professor in the Gene Expression Laboratory of the Salk Institute for Biological Sciences in La Jolla, Calif., and a co-author of the Cell study. “The demand for that is much higher than the supply.
An international team has put human cells into monkey embryos in hopes of finding new ways to produce organs for transplantation. But some ethicists still worry about how such research could go wrong.
A multivariate genome-wide association study highlighting loci that influence both face and brain shape suggesting shared developmental axes during early embryogenesis. These loci did not overlap with those governing behavioral–cognitive traits or neuropsychiatric risk indicating divergence between early brain development and cognitive function.
Multiply Labs, a robotics company developing automated systems for the production of individualized drugs, announced that it raised its Series A.
Circa 2020
Everyone should be well aware at this point that you need to have a face mask and good hand sanitizer on you every single time you go out. It’s the only way to protect yourself and those around you from the novel coronavirus. The CDC says so, the WHO says so, doctors say so, and experts all over the world agree. In fact, the CDC tells people right on its coronavirus site to always wear face masks anytime they have to leave their homes for any reason. It really couldn’t be any clearer: “Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when around others.”