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Eliezer Yudkowsky is a researcher, writer, and philosopher on the topic of superintelligent AI. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors:
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1. AGI Ruin (blog post):
2. Adaptation and Natural Selection:

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Disclaimed: None of it is real. It’s just a movie, made mostly with AI, which took care of writing the script, creating the concept art, generating all the voices, and participating in some creative decisions. The AI-generated voices used in this film do not reflect the opinions and thoughts of their original owners. This short film was created as a demonstration to showcase the potential of AI in filmmaking.

#AI #Filmmaking #Aliens #Movies #ScienceFiction #SciFi #Films

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has proven just how powerful it is with its latest discovery: sand storms swirling on a planet 40 light-years from Earth, or about 235 trillion miles away.

One of Webb’s greatest powers is its ability to decipher what’s going on in alien atmospheres. From its vantage point in space, Webb can peer at a distant world and analyze the entire infrared spectrum of starlight passing through the planet’s atmosphere.

Different spectra of light correspond to different elements, so Webb can show astronomers exactly which gases and vapors are in another world’s atmosphere.

The existence of aliens continues to elude scientists, including those that have dedicated their lives to finding definitive proof of extraterrestrial life. While a new study doesn’t point to the existence of aliens, some researchers have been left scratching their heads as to what the “coherent” signal being broadcast from an interstellar planet could be.

Published Monday in Nature Astronomy, scientists revealed they’ve discovered a repeating radio signal coming from the planet YZ Ceti b, located some 12 light-years from the edge of our solar system.

Over the short span of just 300 years, since the invention of modern physics, we have gained a deeper understanding of how our universe works on both small and large scales. Yet, physics is still very young and when it comes to using it to explain life, physicists struggle.

Even today, we can’t really explain what the difference is between a living lump of matter and a dead one. But my colleagues and I are creating a new of life that might soon provide answers.

More than 150 years ago, Darwin poignantly noted the dichotomy between what we understand in physics and what we observe in life—noting at the end of The Origin of Species “…whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been and are being evolved.”

Earth’s magnetic field does more than keep everyone’s compass needles pointed in the same direction. It also helps preserve Earth’s sliver of life-sustaining atmosphere by deflecting high energy particles and plasma regularly blasted out of the sun. Researchers have now identified a prospective Earth-sized planet in another solar system as a prime candidate for also having a magnetic field—YZ Ceti b, a rocky planet orbiting a star about 12 light-years away from Earth.

Researchers Sebastian Pineda and Jackie Villadsen observed a repeating emanating from the star YZ Ceti using the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array, a radio telescope operated by the U.S. National Science Foundation’s National Radio Astronomy Observatory. Research by Pineda and Villadsen to understand the interactions between distant stars and their orbiting planets is supported by NSF. Their research was published today (April 3) in the journal Nature Astronomy.

“The search for potentially habitable or life-bearing worlds in other solar systems depends in part on being able to determine if rocky, Earth-like exoplanets actually have magnetic fields,” says NSF’s Joe Pesce, program director for the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. “This research shows not only that this particular rocky exoplanet likely has a magnetic field but provides a promising method to find more.”

Aliens could come to Earth — and they might arrive sooner than you might think.

Writing in the Spectator, Professor Sasha Hinkley, associate professor of astrophysics at the University of Exeter, said it is becoming “increasingly likely” signs of extraterrestrial life will be uncovered “within his lifetime”, though that doesn’t mean we will get to meet them.

We’re half way there! Join us… and find out more!


In this video, Unveiled takes a closer look at arguably the most crucial stage of the entire Kardashev Scale — Type 3.5! This is the in between time, when a galactic power is trying to take over the whole universe… and, if humans ever get there, we could be unrecognisable as a species!

This is Unveiled, giving you incredible answers to extraordinary questions!