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Credits: Dan V. Nicolau, Mercy Lard, Till Korten, Falco C. M. J. M. van Delft, Malin Persson, Elina Bengtsson, Alf Månsson, Stefan Diez, Heiner Linke, and Dan V. Nicolau.

PNAS. 2016. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.

Animation explaining the computation principle. In this animation, a network encoding the {1,3} SSP is explained and an example agent is shown to travel the path that encodes the subset {3}. The agent enters the network from the top left-hand corner. It first encounters a split junction where it randomly decides to turn right and exclude the corresponding number. The agent then enters another split junction, where it adds the corresponding number to the subset. The number of pass junctions following each split junction determines the actual value of the integer added to the subset at the respective split junction. The exit numbers correspond to the target sums T (potential solutions) represented by each exit. The example agent arrives at the exit #3 corresponding to the total sum of the subset {3} the agent explored. Finally, the correct results (labeled in green) and incorrect results (where no agents will arrive; labeled in magenta) for this particular set {1, 3} are explained.

Acknowledgment: Dissemination of the results of ABACUS Project, funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration under Grant Agreement no. 613,044 The beneficiaries and partners in ABACUS Consortium are: Lund University, Coordinator, Molecular Sense Ltd. — UK, Linnaeus University – Sweden, Dresden University – Germany and McGill University, Canada. The main result of the Project has been published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA — 113, 2591–2596 (2016). Authors: Dan V. Nicolau Jr., Mercy Lard, Till Korten, Falco C. M. J. M. van Delft, Malin Persson, Elina Bengtsson, Alf Månsson, Stefan Diez, Heiner Linke, and Dan V. Nicolau For more information on the ABACUS Project you may visit

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