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As long as you have problems posting, I would recommend using a “throwaway” account to do your posting so you never lose your main account. A few months ago, I actually got 2 of my “throwaway” accounts UNBANNED. It is cool when you end up gaining accounts instead of losing them.

S timeline but they almost never complain recently.

The weekend release of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) report favouring a laboratory leak as the likely origin of COVID-19 – albeit with “low confidence” – has reignited a vitriolic debate.

On the one side of the divide are those who argue that SARS-CoV2, the virus causing COVID-19, originated from a lab leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) that was studying coronaviruses in bats.

Some researchers who favour the lab-leak thesis argue that the virus contains unusual features that indicate it may have been genetically modified by humans. These focus on the virus’s furin cleavage site, a strange feature on the spike protein of the virus that is not present in other coronaviruses, that cast doubt on whether the virus had evolved naturally.

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