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Discovering Advanced Civilizations: Type 1 To 7 And Minus 0 To Minus 3: How Far Can We Go?
he kardashev scale type From Type 1 To 7 And Theand Reverse Scale: How Far Can We Go?
The Kardashev scale is a method used to determine a civilization’s technological advancement, which divides civilizations into three types, with type 1 being the simplest civilization of all.
The civilization created by the human race is not yet advanced enough to be considered a type 1 civilization. How long until we reach that classification? Stay to find out.
Astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev developed the Kardashev scale in 1964 to determine some characteristics that would facilitate the search for extraterrestrial life.
After analyzing several conditions in the history of the human race, Kardashev realized that there is a need that grows as civilization does, energy.
As the human race has expanded worldwide, so needs for energy.
Suppose this is inherent in all species that become an intelligent race. In that case, a hypothetical race of aliens who come to forge a civilization as significant or more extensive than that of humans will eventually also have an energy deficit.
To solve this energy need, an extraterrestrial race must develop technologies to meet the demand for energy needed to sustain all members of their civilization.
Kardashev theorized that in this sense, there must be 3 types of civilizations:
Type 1: A civilization that can harness all the energy its home planet gives them.
Type 2: A civilization that can harness the energy of its entire solar system.
Type 3: A civilization that can harness all the energy provided by the galaxy it is in.

“A type VII or K7 civilization would travel, transcend and ultimately oversee or ”be” the Omniverse which is the collection of every single universe, multiverse, megaverse, paraverse, 11d dimension, and 1st realm (reality). Everything is in the Omniverse, and there is only one Omniverse.” In other words, such a civilization would be as closest as godly as possible.
However, the achievement of a type 7 civilization will only be the end of a very long process of technological advancement and connection with the cosmos. To get there, we would first need to go to all the other civilization types that make up the scale. Let’s see what they consist of.

Another problem with the Kardashev Scale is the assumption that advanced civilizations have an insatiable appetite for energy and that they inevitably want to expand into space. When perhaps, turning a galaxy into a huge supercomputer is the last thing an advanced civilization would want to do…
At the end of the day, what do we know? Alien intelligence may have other desires… and goals that don’t involve this kind of intergalactic imperialism.
It must have been similar reasoning that brought cosmologist John Barrow


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00:00 Intro.
00:05 Type 1 Civilization on the Kardashev Scale.
12:48 Type 2 Civilization.
24:57 Type 3 Civilization.
35:40 Type 5 The Multiverse.
36:10 Type 7: We Might NEVER Reach it.
38:30 Type Minus. The reverse Kardashev scale.

#insanecuriosity #kardashevscale #advancedcivilization

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