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Time moving forwards and backward in plank time intervals? It is a legitimate possibility in physics since matter and anti-matter are identical in every aspect but mirror each other. Electrons, positrons, and other particles oppose each other as matter and anti-matter.

I argue that empty space-time acts as two mirror fields, causing matter to behave like anti-matter. The same matter in the opposite space-time field (reverse time) acts as anti-matter. As time progresses in a Möbius-like shape moves forward, and A 720-degree rotation needs to come back to its original state. These back-and-forth rapid flips cause all matter within our universe to be cut into quanta or packets, Showing packets and wave characters. while in the backward arrow of time, everything flips and is shown as anti-matter.

Space-time does not advance in time in 1 direction only, as its fields change backward and forward as frequently as Planck time remains constant, only changing directions rapidly between positive and negative (past and future), meaning time goes backward and forward, while matter within this space-time also mirrors itself. However, matter moves forward in our time-space universe towards the future since we can add all the Planck times in positive space-time intervals (we are sensing in our mind only the positive space-time intervals). Our universe is the sum of the positive side of space-time, while there is another parallel anti-universe with antimatter in negative space-time. These two universes never meet and move parallel to each other. We don’t notice the mirror universe in which our mirror self exists since the present time is only 1 plank time. next plank time will be the future and previous is already in the past.

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