00:00 — Introduction.
00:38 — Landauer Limit.
02:51 — Quantum Computing.
04:21 — Human Brain Power?
07:03 — Turing Complete Universal Computation?
10:07 — Diminishing Returns.
12:08 — Byzantine Generals Problem.
14:38 — Terminal Race Condition.
17:28 — Metastasis.
20:20 — Polymorphism.
21:45 — Optimal Intelligence.
23:45 — Darwinian Selection “Survival of the Fastest“
26:55 — Speed Chess Metaphor.
29:42 — Conclusion & Recap.
Artificial intelligence and computing power are advancing at an incredible pace. How smart and fast can machines get? This video explores the theoretical limits and cutting-edge capabilities in AI, quantum computing, and more.
We start by looking at the Landauer Limit — the minimum energy required to perform computation. At room temperature, erasing just one bit of information takes 2.85 × 10^−21 joules. This sets limits on efficiency.
Quantum computing offers radical improvements in processing power by utilizing superposition and entanglement. Through quantum parallelism, certain problems can be solved exponentially faster than with classical computing. However, the technology is still in early development.
The human brain is estimated to have the equivalent of 1 exaflop processing power — a billion, billion calculations per second! Yet it uses just 20 watts, making it vastly more energy-efficient than today’s supercomputers. Some theorize the brain may use quantum effects, but this is speculative.