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The Maui fire. What happened. Many are pointing fingers at Hawian electric with many videos of downed powerlines. There is video taken at the Maui Bird Conservation Center in Makawao appears to show a power pole faulting just before 11 p.m. If Hawai electric turned of power when the winds were very strong there might have been a different scenario. Hundreds of kilometers to the south, Hurricane Dora was moving across the Pacific. On Maui, the wind blew, stronger than is usual for hurricanes on the island. The power then fails. Maui’s first reported wildfire last week may have been caused by damaged power lines, according to newly released research conducted by a power monitoring company. Bob… More.

Videos showing downed power lines apparently sparking some of the early blazes in Maui have become key evidence in search for cause.

This Olinda Fire footage captured by Maui Bird Conservation Center (MBCC) security camera shows the flash when a tree falls on a nearby power line. When the camera turns itself back on, powered by a back-up generator, the forest is ablaze.

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