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The physics of cell communication: ISTA scientists successfully model cell dynamics.

Like us, cells communicate. Well, in their own special way. Using waves as their common language, cells tell one another where and when to move. They talk, they share information, and they work together – much like the interdisciplinary team of researchers from the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) and the National University of Singapore (NUS). They conducted research on how cells communicate – and how that matters to future projects, e.g. application to wound healing.

Biology may evoke images of animals, plants, or even theoretical computer models. The last association might not immediately come to mind, yet it is crucial in biological research. Complex biological phenomena, even the minutest details, can be understood through precise calculations. ISTA Professor Edouard Hannezo utilizes these calculations to comprehend physical principles in biological systems. His team’s recent work provides new insights into how cells move and communicate within living tissue.