What about 102,400 MBPS or 100GBPS. This is the speed of data transfer that you can achieve with LiFi Technology. With LiFi you can download 100 movies in just one second.
How’s this incredible internet speed possible?
It is possible with LED lights.
Watch this video till the end for a detailed introduction and truths of LiFi technology.
Warp Drive Technology.
Eye as a Camera.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ur6HoAN3Vo.
Artificial Blood.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MX3LU0ClFPw&t=24s.
Wireless Electricity.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGna5lTkBuc&t=65s.
[1] The Technology of LiFi — E Ramadhani and G P Mahardika 2018 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 325 012013
- https://bit.ly/3yMqSK9
[2] How Wireless Communication Works.
- https://bit.ly/3uUZZmq.
[3] Spectrum Crunch FAQ
- https://bit.ly/3AUCz47
[4] A Review Paper on LiFi Technology — Volume 5, Issue 23, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
- https://bit.ly/3yCAEP6
[5] LiFi Study Paper Approved.
- https://bit.ly/3uOHLCL
[6] LiFi vs WiFI
- https://bit.ly/3II3zWt.
[7] LiFi Pros and Cons.
- https://bit.ly/3oaPsQd.
[8] How Does LiFi Work?
- https://bit.ly/3o8t3De.
[9] What is LiFi?
- https://bit.ly/3aJam5P
[10] LiFi Wikipedia.
- https://bit.ly/3cmhe9u.
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