Different plant species can be compatible with the same species of mycorrhizal fungi1,2 and be connected to one another by a common mycelium3,4. Transfer of carbon3,4,5, nitrogen6,7 and phosphorus8,9 through interconnecting mycelia has been measured frequently in laboratory experiments, but it is not known whether transfer is bidirectional, whether there is a net gain by one plant over its connected partner, or whether transfer affects plant performance in the field10,11. Laboratory studies using isotope tracers show that the magnitude of one-way transfer can be influenced by shading of ‘receiver’ plants3,5, fertilization of ‘donor’ plants with phosphorus12, or use of nitrogen-fixing donor plants and non-nitrogen-fixing receiver plants13,14, indicating that movement may be governed by source–sink relationships.
Net transfer of carbon between ectomycorrhizal tree species in the field
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