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Earlier this month, when LinkedIn started seeding “AI-powered conversation starters” in people’s news feeds to boost engagement on its platform, the move saw more than little engagement of its own, none of it too positive.

But the truth of the matter with LinkedIn is that it’s been using a lot of AI and other kinds of automation across different aspects of its platform for years, primarily behind the scenes with how it builds and operates its network. Now, with its owner Microsoft going all-in on OpenAI, it looks like it’s becoming a more prominent part of the strategy for LinkedIn on the front end, too — with the latest coming today in the areas of LinkedIn profiles, recruitment and LinkedIn Learning.

The company is today introducing AI-powered writing suggestions, which will initially be offered to people to spruce up their LinkedIn profiles, and to recruiters writing job descriptions. Both are built on advanced GPT models, said Tomer Cohen, LinkedIn’s chief product officer. LinkedIn is using GPT-4 for personalized profiles, with GPT-3.5 for job descriptions. Alongside this, the company is also creating a bigger focus on AI in LinkedIn Learning, corralling 100 courses around the subject and adding 20 more focused just on generative AI.