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Firstly, the space agency must develop a battery that can withstand Venus’ hellish conditions.

You may be surprised to learn that humans have sent several landers to Venus’ surface. The Soviet Venera missions, for example, transmitted the first-ever image from another planet on October 20, 1975, after sending its Venera 9 lander to the surface of Venus.

That mission lasted less than two hours on the planet’s surface due to the immense atmospheric pressure and scorching temperatures on Earth’s so-called evil twin.

Now, NASA aims to build a lander called LLISSE, that can withstand those conditions and beam a wealth of data about our nearest planetary neighbor back to Earth.

Lunar and Planetary Institute.

The Soviet Venera missions, for example, transmitted the first-ever image from another planet on October 20, 1975, after sending its Venera 9 lander to the surface of Venus.