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Almost exactly one year ago, the Longevity Science Foundation emerged onto scene, announcing its bold ambition to work towards a goal of distributing upwards of $1 billion over the next ten years towards funding longevity research. Fast forward one year, and the foundation has announced its first calls for research funding applications: aging clocks and psychedelics in longevity and appointed non-profit fundraising expert Lisa Ireland as its president and CEO.

Longevity. Technology: It’s one thing to say you’re going to spend $1 billion on longevity and quite another to actually make it happen. With more than 25 years’ experience in executive leadership and fundraising roles at non-profit organisations including the United Way, Ireland has the kind of background needed to ensure the LSF delivers on its promise. We caught up with Ireland to learn more about her key objectives at the LSF, and her fresh perspective on the longevity field.

Ireland happily admits to having little knowledge of the longevity field before taking on the role at the LSF. Far from seeing it as a weakness, she views her lack of longevity experience as an advantage in a field that needs to expand its appeal beyond those who are already convinced of its importance.