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Neuralink’s invasive brain implant vs phantom neuro’s minimally invasive muscle implant. Deep dive on brain computer interfaces, Phantom Neuro, and the future of repairing missing functions.

Connor glass.
Phantom is creating a human-machine interfacing system for lifelike control of technology. We are currently hiring skilled and forward-thinking electrical, mechanical, UI, AR/VR, and Ai/ML engineers. Looking to get in touch with us? Send us an email at [email protected].

Phantom Neuro.
Phantom is a neurotechnology company, spun out of the lab at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, that is enabling lifelike control of robotic orthopedic technologies, such as prosthetic limbs and exoskeletons. Phantom’s solution, the Phantom X, consists of low-risk implantable sensors, AI, and enabling software. By providing superior control of robotic orthopedic mechanisms, the Phantom X will drastically improve the lives of individuals with limb difference who have yet to see a tangible improvement in quality of life despite significant advancements in the field of robotics.

[email protected].

Home 2024

The Learning With Lowell show is a series for the everyday mammal. In this show we’ll learn about leadership, science, and people building their change into the world. The goal is to dig deeply into people who most of us wouldn’t normally ever get to hear. The Host of the show – Lowell Thompson-is a lifelong autodidact, serial problem solver, and founder of startups.
Youtube clips:
Podcast email: [email protected].

00:00 start.
00:50 What Connor Glass is building at Phantom Neuro.
02:10 Special sauce at Phantom Neuro.
06:20 Difficulty with technology transfer (ex: Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine)
08:30 IP lawyers and how to work with them as a startup in neural tech.
10:20 Phantom Neuro implant thoughts on being outpatient or requiring operating room time.
17:20 Phantom Neuro as an implant vs wearable.
22:00 Phantom Neuro muscle interface and da vinci surgery / remote medicine.
23:10 Difficulty of Haptic feedback of muscle interface devices.
26:00 Regulation, building for upgrades, unable to make changes, tesla model.
29:00 Phantom Neuro competitive advantages vs Paradromics or Neuralink devices.
33:20 Billions the government spent on r/d not impacting patients.
35:00 Phantom Neuro Machine learning process, data, and prediction.
37:00 Making the Phantom Neuro device human like / computing power.
39:10 Brain computer interfaces (BCI) Neuralink, Paradromics, Phantom Neuro, and regenerative medicine — Which will be the winner in the foreseeable future and why.
43:15 Regenerative medicine blockers.
44:50 Social economic levels affect on longevity.
45:50 Future he’s excited to see and experience.
47:20 Safest time in history / social media issues.
48:20 People being more kinder than the news would have us believe.
49:05 Social media issues.
49:20 What happiness means to Connor Glass.
51:05 Connor Glass asks my thoughts on happiness.
52:50 Maximizing happiness.
53:20 Skill he’s working to improve.
54:20 Books!
56:40 Operation paperclip, tech from wars.
57:10 Japanese Unit 731 and ww2 history.
58:20 ww2 books.
59:05 How to stay up to date with Connor glass and Phantom Neuro, and thoughts on newsletter.