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An older universe existed before the Big Bang, and proof for its existence can still be found in black holes, according to a Nobel Prize-winning physicist. Sir Roger Penrose made the assertion after receiving the award for advances in Einstein’s general theory of relativity and proof of black hole existence. Sir Roger contends that inexplicable regions of electromagnetic radiation in the sky, known as ‘Hawking Points,’ represent vestiges of an earlier universe.

1 Comment so far

  1. Certainly this makes sense. There is evidence claimed. Evidence exists and meaning is theorized. Evidence linked to the meaning of the Black Holes. Something in the math needs to be pinned down. Laura Mersini Houghton provided mathematics that disproved black holes. Since then Black holes have been more often claimed as facts of the universe. What this might mean is not for but a greater work of words and math than I might do in this comment. What was the constant speed of light in the previous universe? We can expect that it was a faster constant. For one to turn into another implies instability. Multiuniverse travels are understood as possible while demanding power inconceivable except in the comics. Maybe there is at least that to recommend heroic comics aye?

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