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Exclusive interview for ageless partners®: augmented fasting; reverse engineering immortality.

I am so happy and intellectually fulfilled to share the following interview I had with Jason C. Mercurio, MFE about Aging and the conclusions I’ve reached after 12 years of intensive research.

Every single person reading this is suffering from Aging.

Also the tool Aging exacts in terms of human suffering is indescribable.

For society and healthcare systems, just slowing down Aging by a few years would save trillions.

In this interview we discuss the following fascinating subjects:

Proven models of enhanced lifespan in mice:

- Ames dwarf mice.

- Caloric Restriction.

- FGF21.

- Alpha-Klotho.

- Glycine & N-AcetylCysteine.

- Metformin — Rapamycin.

- Fast-Mimicking.

- Exercise.

- Ketogenic.

- Lithium & Rapamycin.

Reverse Engineering Immortality.

- Lowering Insulin.

- Pan-PPAR Agonism & FGF21

- Inducing Alpha-Klotho.

- dual nrf2 & antioxidant agonists.

- GLP-1 agonism and HDAC inhibition.

- Dual GSK3b/HDAC Inhibition

Fasting has been used as a health optimization technique for thousands of years. Simon Waslander, an Ageless Coach with Ageless Partners, reviews his augmented fasting techniques and knowledge. We examine actionable insights in the pursuit of better health.

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Live long and age less!