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Great channel, fascinating video. ☝😁🔜💡💡💡

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What makes a truly world-changing invention? Of all the inventions of the 20th century just one could be said to have changed the world in such a way that it touches virtually everybody on the planet’s lives on a daily basis. It has enabled the most rapid development in technology in history and yet you cant see the vast majority of them directly and their individual job is just to switch on and off. This is the story of the MOSFET and how it changed the world.

Written, researched and presented by Paul Shillito.

Images and footage : TMSC, AMSL, Intel,, Jan. B, Google, University of Pennsylvania, Fairchild Semiconductors.

A big thank you also goes to all our Patreons too smile
Ἐριχθόνιος JL
Abrakodabra Kobra / 25%
Alipasha Sadri.
Alistair Brown.
Andrew Gaess.
Andrew SMITH
Brian Kelly.
Cameron Elliot.
Carl Soderstrom.
Charles Thacker.
Collin Copfer.
Dom Riccobene.
Etienne Dechamps.
Florian Muller.
George Bishop II
Henning Bitsch.
Henri Saussure.
james t early.
Jesse Postier.
Jim Early.
Johan Rombaut.
john edwards.
Jonathan Merage.
Jonathan Travers.
Joshua Rea — Dawn Aerospace.
Ken Schwarz.
László Antal.
Lawrence Brennan.
Leifur Thor.
Lorne Diebel.
stefan hufenbach.
Steve J — LakeCountySpacePort.
Tawn Kramer.
Tomasz Leszczyński.
Will Lowe.

Intro music by Paul Shillito.