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By Susan Ip-Jewell## **Space Medicine, Health and MedTech Innovations, a lecture by Susan Ip-Jewell**

In the frame of the new Space Renaissance Academy Webinar Series programme, chaired by the optimum Sabine Heinz, a quite interesting and rich lecture was given yesterday by Dr. Susan Ip Jewell.

Susan is CEO and founder of Mars Moon Astronautic Academy Research Science (MMAARS), one of the SRI VicePresidents and a pasionate space activist. And she’s Commander of Analog Training missions on Moon and Mars simulated surface.

In her lecture, she gives us a wide overlook on many aspects of human health in space, the edge of the space medicine, the innovative techniques using incremental technologies, developing systems integrating robotic, artificial intelligence, remote telemedicine, avatars and drones.

Btw, Sabine, in addition to being an efficient organizer and coordinator, has revealed unexpected talents as a great media presenter!

Sabine was fantastic, moderating the intense discussion that followed the lecture, about the many challenges humanity is facing, while kicking off the civilian space development.

Several questions and considerations were raised, by the audience, and by the panelists — Bernard Foing, SRI President, A. V. Autino. former SRI President and SR Academy Strategy Director, Sabine Heinz, Chair of the Webinar Series and of the SR Art Chapter, Thomas Matula, SR Academy, Educational Director — on topics like (randomly):
* in few months we will have four civilians flying on ISS: though the media only talk about this exciting event in a superficial mode, several challenges stand in the background.
* what is the main danger for health in space, low gravity, radiations, somethimg else.
* what will be the embryo development in space?
* will reproduction be possible in space?
* is there a doctor onboard ISS?
* will the civilian visitors to ISS have any kind of medical insurance, or warrants? will anybody be responsible for their life and health?
* does any idea exist, about what could be surgery in microgravity?
* during civilian space development, will the main danger be the human aspects and behaviours?
* will social issues raise and play a meaningful role, during the settlement oin the Solar System? (refer: R. Heinlein, James Corey \.

A lecture by Dr. Susan Ip-Jewell, MMAARS CEO and Founder, Space Renaissance International Vice-President.