**2021 Space Renaissance [Webinar Series “SPACE SAFETY”](https://spacerenaissance.space/event/webconference-on-space-…elopment/)**
Sunday December 13th 16:00 UTC
Live streaming on [Facebook Space Renaissance Initiative Group](https://www.facebook.com/events/3842711565750385/)
- tommaso sgobba, IAASS — space safety.
- jonathan tate, spaceguard UK — dangerous asteroids monitoring & defense.
- Joe Pelton, GALIX, former Director at International Space University — Space Weather.
- Luigina Feretti, INAF Italy — Protection from Cosmic Radiations.
- stefano antonetti, D-ORBIT italy — space debris.
**Moderates**: Adriano V. Autino, SRI, President.
**Call for Papers**
[Register for free to the Congress](https://2021.spacerenaissance.space/index.php/registration/), and [submit a paper abstract](https://2021.spacerenaissance.space/index.php/call-for-paper…mission/).