An advanced communications system comprising an emitter and an improved receiver (detector) utilizing modulated beams of neutrino and antineutrino waves as information carriers between the emitter and the receiver. of modulated neutrino and antineutrino beams in the emitter is achieved by a laser-like medium, while detection and demodulation of the neutrino and antineutrino beams is accomplished by a second laser-like medium which registers the flux (or of modulated neutrinos and antineutrinos passing there-through by means of resonant stimulated deexcitation of lasable excited states. In addition to the information transmission utilization, the neutrino emitter and receiver (detector) system may also be employed to gather information by the probing of internal earth structures. Such structures cause measurable refractions and retardations of the propagated pulses of monochromatic neutrino waves traveling through the earth between the emitter and receiver (detector), at certain predetermined neutrino