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What happens when you knock the carbon out of diamonds? You end up maintaining 100 percent quantum integrity; therefore, you can now transmit multitude of Qubits together over a long distance instead of 1 Qubit in one transmission and among multiple QC Devices.

New breakthrough paves the way for the first practical quantum computers

Quantum computers are a reality but unlike the first traditional computers, which were large enough to fill a room, most of today’s quantum computers are very small with one, five, or even 16 qubits at their core and getting to the point where we have a truly practical quantum computer is going to require component by component advances until, one day, we get to the point where all of the blocks “just work”.

Researchers from Harvard University and Sandia Ion Beam Laboratory have just managed to make such an advance – by figuring out a way to link multiple quantum systems together within one piece of material.

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