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Before 3- months ago, news broke that a giant “alien mega structure” could survive around bizarre-looking star 1,500 light-years away. The 1st signs of this space peculiarity came from NASA’s planet-hunting Kepler space telescope, which continually watched the star’s region of the sky between 2009 and 2013. The majority planet-hosting stars looking small, regular dips in light when their planets pass in front of them. But Tabby’s star dipped randomly throughout the 4-years, from time to time losing as much as 20 percent of its brightness. In September 2015, a group led by Tabetha Boyajian of Yale University, who lend the star its informal name, tried to create sense of this strange signal. Ultimately they determined that dust from a huge cloud of comets was the top explanation. Click Below Link To Play Video Online Shocking News Alien Mega structure In Universe Video;

A month later, the star complete headline crossways the globe thanks to a paper by Jason Wright of Pennsylvania State University and his fellows, who suggested that “alien mega structures”, such as satellites designed to gather light from the star, could be responsible for the signal.

While the scene of aliens was 1st launched by Penn State Scientist Jason Wright, almost everybody in the astronomy the people agreed that the chances that this was the case were “very low.”

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