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A walk down memory lane: I thought it would be fun to revisit an article from 1998 about Los Alamos’ announcement about their move to Quantum Computing which we found out later they expanded it to include a Quantum Network which they announced in 2009 their success in that launch. Times certainly have changed.

LOS ALAMOS, N.M., March 17, 1998 — Researchers at the Department of Energy’s Los Alamos National Laboratory have answered several key questions required to construct powerful quantum computers fundamentally different from today’s computers, they announced today at the annual meeting of the American Physical Society.

“Based on these recent experiments and theoretical work, it appears the barriers to constructing a working quantum computer will be technical, rather than fundamental to the laws of physics,” said Richard Hughes of Los Alamos’ Neutron Science and Technology Group.

Hughes also said that a quantum computer like the one Los Alamos is building, in which single ionized atoms act like a computer memory, could be capable of performing small computations within three years.

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