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World renown physicist Michio Kaku states God is real. Kaku’s own words “After conducting tests on what he calls “primitive semi–radius tachyons”, Kaku came to a remarkable conclusion: “the only explanation for his results is that there must be a God.”

“This is an old idea, that the universe is intentionally designed so there must be a God,” Professor Aviezer told Breaking Israel News. “William Paley, an 18th-century Christian theologian, gave the watchmaker argument. If you find a watch in forest, then you can assume there is a watchmaker, because complicated things do not occur by themselves. In the same way, the universe proves the existence of its maker.”

However, “This argument is wrong,” stated the professor. “Complicated items do form by themselves. Crystals and chemical reactions are the most complicated things and they happen by themselves. My favorite example is snowflakes, which each form uniquely by themselves. But that is not proof there is a God.”

Men of faith, explained Aviezer to Breaking Israel News, are theists: believing in the existence of one God as creator of the universe, intervening in it and sustaining a personal relation to his creatures.

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