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At the end of last year, Davide Sher predicted that 2016 would see metal 3D printing move from a technology capable of producing small batches to a fully-automated method for serial manufacturing. Davide cited a number of machines in development that herald the age of serial metal 3D printing, but he may have left one system out: the Hyproline platform.

TNO Hyproline PrintValley metal 3D printer

The Hyproline is the result of an EU additive manufacturing initiative began in 2012 to create a high-performance production line for small series metal parts. After several years, the group of industry partners involved, including researcher organization TNO and Swedish metal printer manufacturer Höganäs, have finalized the Hyproline system. The machine uses a similar platform as TNO’s PrintValley, which involves a conveyor belt mechanism to pass multiple build plates beneath a print head. The result is an automated assembly line that can produce a variety of custom parts at high speed.

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