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Legendary Internet entrepreneur Joe Firmage is back, and he plans to turn the Internet upside down. Again.

He did it once before with USWeb in the 90s, designing and building Internet sites, intranets, and applications for more than half the Fortune 100 and thousands of startups.

Now his new venture — 15 years and tens of millions in the making — called ManyOne, plans to do the same for a public (and for businesses of any size) dazed by the complexities of setting up websites. And worse, mystified about getting page rank on search engines — and even worse, creating their own successful apps.

ManyOne — which is now operational — lets anyone buy domains and set up a website via a series of forms, in literally minutes. That includes a selection of themes (designs) and e-commerce features for businesses, Firmage told me in an exclusive phone interview yesterday.

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