FUTURISM UPDATE (October 21, 2014)
TECHNOLOGY REVIEW: Does Lockheed Martin Really Have a Breakthrough Fusion Machine? http://www.technologyreview.com/news/531836/does-lockheed-ma…n-machine/
FINANCIAL TIMES: IBM shares tumble as profits and sales fall at http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/500feb78-584e-11e4-b331-00144feab7de.html
FUTURE OBSERVATORY: Ohio State University Invents All-in-One Solar Cell and Battery http://www.21stcentech.com/ohio-state-university-invents-all…l-battery/
SIX SENSE AND CORRUPTION HAVE NO GENDER. WASHING POST: In Japan, two female ministers quit, dealing a blow to Abe and ‘womenomics’ http://lnkd.in/dfKzwU8
YAHOO NEWS: Blow to Japan PM as minister resigns over money scandal http://news.yahoo.com/japan-industry-minister-resigns-over-s…26427.html
BBC: Japan ministers Yuko Obuchi and Midori Matsushima quit. Ms Obuchi is alleged to have misused funds from her political support groups and other donations. http://lnkd.in/dH36hvk
FINANCIAL TIMES: Can Europe wean itself off Russian gas? Analysis: http://on.ft.com/1uhyFW0
LINKEDIN: Do Not Underrated Centric Jobs! https://www.linkedin.com/today/post/article/20141020224543&#…ntric-jobs
WALL STREET JOURNAL: Brazil’s Rousseff Admits There Was Wrongdoing at Petrobras http://lnkd.in/dm3JgbZ
FORBES: Petrobras Puts Brazil President Dilma In Hot Seat http://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrapoza/2014/03/23/petrobras-p…-hot-seat/
RT: Google ‘beats Goldman Sachs’ in political campaign donations http://rt.com/usa/197104-google-usa-political-campaign/
Dilma Rousseff Responds To Brazil Protests, Vows To Battle Corruption http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/22/dilma-rousseff-braz…83069.html
BBC Breaking News: Christophe de Margerie, head of oil company Total, dies in air crash in Moscow http://bbc.in/120dDEQ
WORRY FOR THE ECONOMY OF THE WEST, STUPID. BLOOMBERG: China Growth May Slow Sharply From 2020: Conference Board http://lnkd.in/dadDfch
TECH CRUNCH: Europe’s Sign2Pay launches to simplify mobile debit payments and oil the wheels of m-commerce http://tcrn.ch/1omv5gV
MOSCOW TIMES: The Truth About That ‘Russian’ Submarine Near Stockholm http://www.themoscowtimes.com/news/article/the-truth-about-t…09721.html
DER SPIEGEL: Berlin and Paris Undermine Euro Stability http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/euro-stability-th…97995.html
YAHOO NEWS: German minister: EU should consider Ebola mission http://lnkd.in/dkNUehu
MONEY: 3 reasons why IBM’s stock is in serious trouble http://money.us/1r0HxhU
NEW YORK MAGAZINE: Scientists Also Lying About Ebola, Explains George F. Will http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2014/10/george-will-sci…ebola.html
REUTERS: China-backed hackers may have infiltrated Apple’s iCloud: blog http://reut.rs/1oodYLQ
LINKEDIN: Road Drone #1 and Leonardo http://www.linkedin.com/pulse/article/20141021024138-344…d-leonardo