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Grindhouse Wetware is a collective of makers and engineers founded on a basic principle – human augmentation should be accessible and open. All of our devices are built off of open source platforms. This allows our users to peer into the hardware and code of their implanted device and truly control their augmented experience. Grindhouse Wetware’s devices are tailored to Makers and DIY Transhumanists that want to build a specific, unique augmentation. What do you want to be?

After three years of development, our flagship project – Circadia, is in its final stages. Grindhouse Wetware is seeking financial support from individuals or organizations to facilitate the production of this device.

The Circadia implant records bio-medical data and transmits it to the user’s phone via bluetooth. Instead of a snapshot of the user’s state of health, the Circadia records the up-to-date status of the their well being. Grindhouse Wetware firmly believes that once an implant has been installed in an individual, it becomes a part of their person. As such, the data generated by the Circadia belongs to the user.

If you are interested in supporting Grindhouse Wetware and the Circadia implant, please contact me at [email protected] or 631−715−9209

Below are pictures of our prototypes.

HELEDD Printed 2 DSCF1998 DSCF1996

1 Comment so far

  1. Nice gadgets — At Ceva we’ve licensed Bluetooth into all sorts of products over the past decade — good to see a provider specifically targeting DIY Trans-humanists. As such technologies evolve into all aspects of human life — we are bounded only by our imagination at work.… :-) Best of luck with funding & your Circadia project.

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