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Is there an error in the following 6-point result?

When looking from the height of a GPS satellite down onto earth, you will notice six Einstein effects:
E1: The clocks worn by the people down there tick slower by Einstein’s gravitational redshift factor
E2: The photons arriving up here from down there have correspondingly less energy
E3: These photons had their lower energy on departure already, despite appearing normal locally down there
E4: All masses down there are reduced in their mass-energy content by the redshift factor, despite appearing normal locally down there
E5: All charges down there are reduced in their charge by the redshift factor, despite appearing normal locally down there
E6: All objects down there are linearly increased in their size by the reciprocal redshift factor, despite appearing normal locally down there

Background: Points E1, E2 are accepted since Einstein first proposed them in 1907. E3 was described by Julian Schwinger in his book “Einstein’s Legacy” of 1986 (on page 142). E4 follows from quantum-electrodynamics (“creation-annihilation operator”). E5 follows from the universal rest mass-to-charge ratio; it is in the literature since 2008 (see ). E6 follows from the “Bohr radius formula” of quantum mechanics; it was first mentioned in a PhD thesis submitted in 2005 (quoted in ).
So far, no specialist in general relativity agrees publicly to the three new Einstein effects E4,E5,E6, but no one objects publicly, either. One reason for the silence is that E4,E5,E6 have yet to be incorporated into general relativity (a mammoth task). The main reason, however, is that E5 and E6 affect the safety of the LHC experiment at CERN. This is why your help is vitally needed to either smash or confirm points E4-E6.