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A Revolution in Physics and Cosmology

by Otto E. Rossler, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Tubingen, Germany

A deterministic 2-particle system interacting with a fixed third particle (the wall of a confining T-tube) shows two kinds of behavior never seen in a deterministic system before: Dissipative and antididissipative behavior in both directions of time (dependent on the sign of the force law). Dissipative behavior occurs in both directions of time when the system is started from non-selected far-from-equipartition initial conditions while the potential (giving rise to the force law) is Newtonian–repulsive. Antidissipative behavior occurs (in both directions of time) when the system is started from non-selected far-from-equipartition initial conditions while the potential is Newtonian–attractive.

“Entropic” behavior had not been demonstrated before in a deterministic system. Now, both “entropic” and “ectropic” behavior are described under deterministic-chaos conditions. The numerical simulations are due to Klaus Sonnleitner (2010) and, independently, Ramis Movassagh (2011) who also provided an analytical derivation.

The “ectropic” behavior valid under attractive conditions gives rise to a new statistical mechanics besides thermodynamics, called cryodynamics. This new discipline governs the cosmos at large but at the same time has down-to-earth applications. It enables dynamically controlled hot fusion.

The described two facts are exciting. Whereas thermodynamics with its characteristic entropy production exists for the better part of two centuries, the sister discipline is a recent surprise new discovery. It enables an eternally recycling cosmos in the way anticipated by Heraclitus.

Theoretical and young physicists are invited to participate in the further development of cryodynamics. A book as big as detailed thermodynamics texts can be expected to be written. A second “machine age” is probably preprogrammed.

An empirically confirmable deterministic universe that shows both dissipation and anti-dissipation on two different size scales, the micro and the macro scale, is an exciting prospect. It gives you a whole new feeling at being honored to be a member of the universe.

My fear is that no one will believe that chaos theory is that powerful (Hamiltonian chaos theory was discovered by Poincaré toward the end of the 19th century). And that Newton and Einstein (there is no difference in this context) could win another prize of first magnitude.

I thank Christophe Letellier and Ali Sanayei for discussions. For J.O.R.

5 Comments so far

  1. Are you using the word “dissipative” at both micro and macro scale in the traditional sense exemplified by, eg, order arising and entropy decreasing in a restricted open system when energy flows through that system as a way of dissipating that energy but with a net increase of entropy overall, as in my long-beloved Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction?

  2. Dear John:
    Thank you for the helpful comment and for quoting this nice paper from the venerable theoretical-biological school to which all my friends belong and in which I still feel at home.
    It was a shock indeed to glimpse, starting in 2002 while being in contact with Ilya Prigogine, that an altogether independent second science might exist which it would then take quite a few years to unearth after the first paper had appeared in 2003 in the Z. Naturforsch. a.

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