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“Metaballon anapaúetai” was the original 2-word phrase. Since the physical science of thermodynamics knows only one time’s arrow, Heraclitus appeared outdated for 1 ½ centuries.

Recently though, a second fundamental time’s arrow was found in nature. It defines cyodynamics, a full-fledged sister discipline to thermodynamics (cryós = cold, thermós = hot). Both jointly form the subject matter of statistical mechanics. The new subfield of cryodynamics applies whenever the forces acting between the particles in question are attractive. Thermodynamics applies when they are predominantly repulsive. Hot plasmas, for example, are governed by both disciplines – which fact puts fusion technology on a new promising basis.

The new combined discipline re-enables an eternally recycling perpetual-motion cosmos. The implied chaos-theoretic combined mixing and unmixing process, found by Anaxagoras to be implicit in Heraclitus‘ work, is thereby confirmed.

A third name needs to be added though, Einstein’s. The giant perpetual-motion machine would not work in the absence of general relativity forming the third element.

Hawking first glimpsed the fundamental importance of black-hole recycling. This fact places him into the same row – now four names. His insight was modified recently by a feature described by Oppenheimer and Snyder – the discoverers of a physical black-hole theory in 1939 – but which since has fallen into oblivion: a gravitational-redshift proportional time dilation. Black holes for this reason are never finished in finite outer time.

This fact means that a new form of Hawking radiation exists at the expense of the original, too simplistic picture: Whenever two black holes are about to merge, each of them unfinished with its eternally in-falling particles (whereby space is locally expanded by the same factor), the particles bound for the smaller black hole’s future horizon get “redirected” towards the prospective horizon of the larger black hole and in consequence get radiated away.

The reason is differential-topological in kind: Each particle has to cross an invisible boundary (a separatrix) existing between the two prospective attractors (black hole horizons). Namely, away from the smaller prospective black hole and towards the bigger one. On reaching the separatrix, however, the particle is freed, since a separatrix cannot be crossed so that the particle in question can escape towards the outer universe. The mechanism of this new Hawking radiation is more complicated and less co-determined by quantum mechanics than the old one. Nevertheless the intuition is the same: “Hawking evaporation.” Cosmic rays are its main consequence.

In this way, the cosmos is eternally “rejuvenated” with 50 percent of its black hole matter and hence all matter. The mental picture of Heraclitus is reconfirmed. I hope Hawking will reply.

1 Comment so far

  1. The following purely factual post was placed on Lifeboat 29 hours ago. Why it got removed I would love to learn because this would provide the first counterproof to the presented briefest disproof of Hawking radiation. Thank you, dear administrator, for kindly caring to reply!
    “Dec 18, 2012

    All Physicists know that Hawking Radiation Violates the Infinite-infalling-time Theorem

    Posted by Otto E. Rössler in category: Uncategorized

    ‘The particle takes an infinite time to reach the critical radius r = 2m’ (as Lucasian Professor Paul Dirac wrote on page 33 of his book ‘General Theory of Relativity’ of 1975). So the twin particle of a pair fluctuation cannot reach the critical radius during the lifetime of the other, as Hawking incorrectly assumed.

    The Milner Prize honors a maximally brave human being, not a scientific achievement. The prize thereby has become the Heroism Prize of the century, being maximally deserved as such.”


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