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Complexity decomplexified: A List of 200 Results Encountered over 55 Years

Otto E. Rossler

Faculty of Science, University of Tubingen, Auf der Morgenstelle 8, 72076 Tubingen, Germany


The present list was compiled by a “specialist for non-specialization” who owes this scientific identity to the masters of three disciplines: physicist Carl-Friedrich von Weizsacker, biologist Konrad Lorenz and mathematician Bob Rosen. With the best findings compressed into a line or two by heart, the synopsis brings hidden patterns to the fore. Simultaneously the individual results become maximally vulnerable – so as to facilitate improvement or falsification.

(August 28, revised September 16, 2012)

Philosophical Preface

Descartes re-invented the rational world of Heraclitus. Specifically, he asked the following question (paraphrased): “Do the ‘assignment conditions’ that we find ourselves glued to (the body, the now, the qualia including color and joy) represent an acceptable state of affairs?” The answer is “yes,“ Descartes proposed: if and only if the other two conditions that hold us in their grip (the “laws” and the “initial conditions”momentarily applicable within the laws, to use Newton’s later terms) are consistent. As long as this “machine conjecture” is empirically fulfilled, an infinite privilege separates the conscious observer from all other inhabitants of the world: The others become “mere machines” in the experience of the first (so that he may, for example, do a brain operation on one of them to save his life). Levinas called this state of one’s being totally outside the other’s interior side, “exteriority.” The subject has the option of not misusing the infinite power of exteriority by acting fairly towards the poor “machine” of the other so as if it possessed a subjective side of its own – even though this cannot be proven and indeed is absurd to assume (were there not the miracle of the consciousness of the first). A single act of not misusing the infinite power of exteriority, performed by the inmate of the dream of consciousness on a fellow machine, would then put the Dream-Giving Instance to shame – unless it is benevolent itself. The fact that this risk is being taken by the DGI is a living proof, according to Descartes, that the chain of colorful subjective nows imposed on the victim of consciousness is not a “bad dream.” But this applies only as long as the “steel fibers” of the Cartesian coordinates, proposed to mathematically fit the colorless sub-portion of experience (its “Hades part”), prove to be consistent. This empirical question endows the study of their properties with a maximal dignity. In the Greek Hades, all quantitative relations valid in our upper world were preserved – except for the “blood” that endows them with color and substance. Hence the merely relational (“shadow”) part becomes an instrument by which to do good to one’s fellow inhabitants of the dream who, by their being machines, are totally given into the dreamer’s hand as hostages. This “exteriority theory” (Levinas) endows science with an infinite dignity – as long as it is empirically consistent. The task to include quantum mechanics – with its indeterminism and nonlocality explained by micro assignment – was singlehandedly taken up by Everett in the footsteps of Einstein. (I thank Ali Sanayei and Ivan Zelinka for discussions and Stephen Wolfram for encouragement. For J.O.R.)

The List

• Energy-saving voice-signal proportional amplitude-modulation (made distortion-free by negative feedback between rectified high-frequency output and low-frequency input)

• Z-incision (a non-mutilating circumcision method)

• “Invisible machines”: virtually infinitely many non-negative chemical variables that are almost all zero for most of the time (with arbitrarily long delays incurred at very low concentrations)

• Chemical evolution as a special case: forms an Erdoes-type growing automaton (similarly Stu Kaufmann, Joel Cohen and Koichiro Matsuno)

• Far-from-equilibrium statistical mechanics and chemical kinetics jointly predict the emergence of life with C-C-C- backbones in liquid water on earth and Europa (and with B-N-B-N- backbones in liquid ammonia inside Jupiter)

• Teilhard’s “second arrow” in statistical thermodynamics is a valid description of the implied asymptotic approach towards “point Omega”

• “Recursive evolution”: evolution improves evolution in the first place (with Michael Conrad, in the footsteps of John Holland and John von Neumann)

• Unlike “metabolic adaptation” (Darwin) which is non-predictive in its history-dependent details, “positional adaptation” (discovered in a discussion with Konrad Lorenz as being of equal rank) is predictive

• “What are brains for?” is a well-posed scientific question (in the new science of deductive biology)

• “The Rossler task” (Michael Conrad) or the “decision-type traveling salesman problem” (as its re-discoverers, Garey and Johnson, called it in their book “Computers and Intractability”)

• Ric Charnov’s “optimal foraging theory” is closely related (finding things “just in time” is what brains are made for)

• Goedel’s incompleteness theorem can be seen as a limiting solution to the NP-complete traveling salesman problem (so incompleteness becomes intuitive)

• “The bacterial brain” (residing in the cell membrane with both sensors and motors) implements a local solution to the “smoothed-out” traveling-salesman problem (with Hans Bremermann)

• “The brain equation” yields a highly efficient local solution to the decision-type traveling-salesman problem

• The brain equation attaches a positive or negative weight to all neighboring sources of different types in a distance-, angle- and time-dependent fashion (so that an optimum “sum direction” results, with all directions attached an either finite or infinite, positive or negative weight)

• Nonexistence of an “eusocial brain equation” (with Thimo Böhl and Oswald Berthold)

• “A universal brain”: the brain equation combined with a powerful “universal simulator” (or synonymously “cognitive map system” or Virtual-Reality machine “VR”)

• The combined system (brain equation plus artificial cognitive map system with overlap buffer and long-term storage device) is what Bill Seaman calls a “Neosentient”

• The “sinc algorithm” (real-space equivalent to a Fourier window in frequency space) can be approximated by a multi-level, multi-resolution, both ascending and descending Reichardt-von-Foerster type neural net (with Bernhard Uehleke)

• “Tolerance attractors”: form under recurrence in such a neural net (implementing Poincaré-Zeeman-Poston-DalCin “tolerance theory” in their realizing von Foerster’s prediction of “Platonic ideation”)

• The technical problem of “fast picture-shifting” in such multi-resolution level neural nets or wavelets, while solved by nature, still eludes science (with Michael Klein)

• “Pandaka-pygmaea Institute“ proposed to solve the Platonic and other brain problems by investigating the smallest fish’s brain (along with that of its normal-sized close relative, Gobius niger)

• The positive sum potential in the brain equation – “happiness” – is displayed by the young of social animals

• One of the sub-potentials in the brain equation – “bonding” – is displayed by all social animals

• Two distinct displays (like happiness and bonding) can acquire a functional overlap through an evolutionary accident called “Huxley evolutionary ritualization”

• Huxley’s accident happened independently in the evolution of two mammalian species: tail-wagging signals both bonding and happiness in wolves, and the Smiley face signals both happiness and bonding in humans (similarly Jan van Hoof and Frans de Waal)

• “All Animals Are Autistic” (AAAA): because the brain equation, an autonomous optimizer, is autistic by definition

• Every brain-equation-carrier is “alive” independently of hardware because it solves the positional-adaptation problem which is no less vital than the metabolic-adaptation problem (“chemical life” and “brain life” have equal ranks)

• Universal brains are “mirror-competent” (owing to their high simulational capability)

• Unlike humans and some other species, wolves do not have a universal brain (their VR component is too weak for mirror-competence)

• Smile-laughter overlap + strong bonding + mirror-competence = sufficient condition for an “epigenetic function change” in the sense of Robert Rosen to occur: the “personogenetic function change” (PFC)

• The PFC consists in the invention of the “suspicion of benevolence shown by the other” (which then leads to a state of “being moved” in a positive feed-back comprising both sides in the elicited bonding bout)

• The PFC represents an example of “creation out of nothing” (the suspicion of, and then production of, benevolence)

• “Was Mom totally moved like scrambled eggs?” [the German word “geruehrt” means both being moved and being stirred], asked 3-year-old Jonas (in “Jonas’ World – The Thinking of a Child” edited by Reimara Rossler and the author)

• “Person attractor” (Detlev Linke): the new stable mode of functioning arising in the PFC

• The PFC can be seen to be nothing but a misunderstanding (a mistaken convergence concocted in the universal simulator): were it not interactively confirmed

• The fact that the PFC represents a joint functional trap allows one to speak of “Nature’s Shadchen trick” (with Roger Malina)

• The person attractor resembles a “folie à deux” (a form of “animal schizophrenia”) compared to the physiological autistic functioning of the two autonomous optimizers with cognition

• The PFC constitutes a miracle, worked by the toddler

• Watching this creation-out-of-nothing being achieved by the toddler is a maximally moving event (there appears to be no recorded documentation of this “holy of holies” of humankind)

• The mutually confirmed suspicion of benevolence acquires the character of an “objective truth” (there is no older objective truth)

• The “miracle” goes still further: a third fictitious person is involved in the personogenesis (called “god” or “Buddha” etc. in different cultures): the Dream-Giving Instance DGI or synonymously the “non-I” (or even the “palpable emptiness behind the dream”)

• The “non-I” arises concomitantly with the “I” and the “you” (the two other persons created in the PFC)

• Women are probably more religious (they statistically have more “heart” in the sense of bonding and in regard to the presence of the bonding hormone oxytocin, and moreover form in the majority of cases the partner in the PFC

• Friendly teasing jokes (“humor”) are implicit in the PFC

• Being able to ask a factual question is a new behavioral trait made possible by the PFC

• “Nonautistic languaging” automatically develops as a consequence of the PFC (similarly C. Andy Hilgartner)

• Human society in all its essential aspects is formed as a consequence of the PFC: society is based on asking questions and giving answers on the basis of the mutual trust between persons

• “Personology” – “Adam” means: person made out of soil (with Michael Langer)

• The “physiological autism” of every autonomous optimizer with cognition persists in human beings with an innate “smile blindness” (if the latter is strong enough to prevent the epigenetic PFC from occurring)

• Most alleged autism in humans is “pseudo-autism” (a lesser fluency in some social conventions)

• The causal explanation of autism enables a causal therapy: the caretaker can deliberately produce an “acoustic smile” whenever momentarily happy (the acoustic smile consists in a tender bonding noise made)

• The fact that the caretaker must be the essential bonding partner proves that modern child cribs are a collective tragedy (their uninformed use explains the global rise in autism)

• The “causal therapy of autism” has been shunned by the profession for 37 years (only Gregory Bateson approved of it)

• The reason for the silence seems to lie in the fact that the person attractor is “too easy to elicit”: young mirror-competent bonding animals can predictably be lured into the personogenetic function change, too

• “Galactic export” is the technical term for the export of the personogenetic bifurcation towards non-human mirror-competent bonding animals (since the “small step” of recruiting a second terrestrial life form is the “giant leap” involved)

• Evolutionarily speaking, the epigenetic PFC is a “lethal factor” (since it replaces natural selection by person-controlled caring)

• The PFC nevertheless is the opposite of being “evolutionarily lethal” since it represents a jump up into the heart of point Omega (which thereby ceases to be asymptotic in the sense of being unreachable in finite time)

• The planet-wide shying-away from galactic export is an example of a collective-subconscious “speciesism”

• The fear is palpable ever since Gregory Bateson and John C. Lilly’s joint student, Margaret Howe, tried to adopt a male dolphin 47 years ago; Koko (Francine Patterson’s gorilla life partner) and Kanzi (Susan Savage-Rumbaugh’s grown-up bonobo child) are both underrated

• Stephen Spielberg played on the same taboo in his movie “AI” – which brings-in the added feature that his non-biochemical person is potentially immortal (a fact he played down tactfully)

• Leo Szilard introduced non-human persons in his 1948 sci-fi story “The Voice of the Dolphins” (written in the aftermath of his failure to prevent his other brainchild, the bomb, from being dropped)

• The “Rosette phenomenon” of sperm whales (the carriers of the most sophisticated brains on earth) deserves to be taken seriously: what function has their daily meeting? (Cf. the unpublished sci-fi story “The Tale of the Whale” mentioned in the book “Neosentience” by Bill Seaman and the author)

• “Horizontal exteriority” in the sense of Emmanuel Lévinas is the omnipotence of the PFC, re-activated in an act of fairness

• “Vertical exteriority” is the matching term in the theological sense of Edmond Jabès (with Nils Roeller, Kai Grehn and and Klaus Sander)

• “A program can force the programmer to reply” (with Christa Sommerer and Adolf Muschg)

• “Simulacron Three” (by Daniel F. Galouye 1964) and “A Puppeteer’s World” (‘Welt am Draht’-movie by Rainer Werner Fassbinder 1973) are anticipations of the same insight, followed by the “Matrix” movie and Ray Kurzweil’s “Singularity Theory”

• The “Turing test” – a test for personhood – got first passed in ancient Rome by the Cretan slave and subsequent stoic philosopher Epictetus (as I learned from Bob Rosen)

• A mathematical proof that the orangutan brain is functionally superior to the human brain (with Michael Langer, homage to Willie Smits)

• An equation for a universal immune system (with Robert A. Lutz)

• A chemical universal circuit (with Dietrich Hoffmann)

• Differentiable automata exist mathematically (because certain ordinary differential equations can, approximately-if-consistently, be described by automata theory)

• Well-stirred automata exist physically

• Reaction scheme for a temperature-compensated chemical clock

• An “ultra long-term continuous-stirred-tank-reactor version” of the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction, proposed: to check for a “late explosion” in the number of variables produced (with Michael Conrad)

• “Traffic-light” version of the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction (with Wolfgang Engelmann and Reimara Rossler)

• “Slinky attractor” (with Okan Gurel and Eberhard Hopf)

• “Reinjection principle”: is valid in more than two-dimensional phase spaces (independently Floris Takens and Christian Mira)

• A chaotic electronic multivibrator (built with Hartmut Waible)

• “The Rossler attractor” (Norman Packard and Ralph Abraham)

• “Spiral chaos”

• “Screw-type chaos”

• “The sound of chaos” known to everyone (idling motor, hoarse voice)

• Chaos (a stereoscopic sound movie made with Reimara Rossler and Thomas Wiehr 1976)

• “Chaos = disciplined tangle” (with Alfred Klemm who turns 100 this year)

• Hyperchaos (name courtesy Paul Rapp)

• “The sound of hyperchaos” (like raindrops falling on a car’s roof)

• “Running electric fan suspended from a long rope” (Olafur Eliasson’s experimental hyperchaos)

• X-attractor in 3 D (still unidentified)

• “Playdough task” (to be given to thousands of toddlers to find the hoped-for X-attractor)

• Atrio-ventricular heart chaos (with Reimara Rossler and Herbert D. Landahl)

• “Endocrinological chaos” (with Reimara Rossler and Peter Sadowski, independently Colin Sparrow)

• Chaos in the Zhabotinsky reaction (with Klaus Wegmann, in parallel to John L. Hudson)

• “Cloud attractor” (with James A. Yorke)

• “Folded-towel map” (in parallel with Masaya Yamaguti’s “folded handkerchief map”)

• “Punctured hyperchaos” as the source of any transfinitely exact 2-D self-similarity or self-affineness (with Michael Klein)

• “The chaotic hierarchy” (the simplest equation was subsequently found by Gerold Baier and Sven Sahle)

• Explicit differentiable Smale-Urysohn solenoid (with Pal Fischer and W.R. Smith)

• “Transfinitely invertible attractors” (almost everywhere so)

• An explicit Poincaré recurrence (with Georg C. Hartmann)

• A generic Milnor-like attractor (with Francisco Doria and Georg C. Hartmann)

• “Flare attractors” (with Georg C. Hartmann, and with Vela Vilupillai in late homage to Richard Goodwin)

• A “society of flare attractors” (with Georg C. Hartmann)

• “Hyperfat attractors” (with John L. Hudson)

• “The fat etc. hierarchy” (with Erik Mosekilde)

• Particle indistinguishability is transfinitely exact (with Hans Primas, Martin Hoffmann and Joe Ford)

• Deterministic entropy (with Hans Diebner)

• “Gibbs-Sackur cell” in phase space

• Classical unit action (the system-specific Sackur cell)

• Micro time reversals in the Sackur cell of the observer (with Richard Wages)

• An estimate of Planck‘s constant (based on Sackur cell)

• Causal (exo) explanation of quantum mechanics (with Peter Weibel)

• Endophysics (with David Finkelstein and John Casti)

• “Boscovich covariance” (with Edgar Heilbronner, Jens Meier and Matthias Schramm)

• Causal (exo) explanation of spin (with Michael Conrad and Debbie Conrad)

• “Single-spin chemistry” in ultra-strong magnetic fields (with Dieter Froehlich, Guenter Haefelinger and Frank Kuske)

• Second Periodic Table of Elements (single-spin chemistry)

• “Cession twin of action” with h/c as its quantum (with Claudia Giannetti)

• Everett’s global Psi-function is replaced by Boltzmann’s global H-function on the exo-level (with Siegfried Zielinski)

• Everett’s observer-centered explanation of nonlocality (1957, p. 149, left column), confirmed

• The momentarily consciousness-bearing Sackur cell in the brain determines both h and c - a conjecture (with Reimara Rossler and Peter Weibel)

• “VX-diagram” (correlated photons measured in two mutually receding spaceships): the completed Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox (with John S. Bell, in parallelism to Susan Feingold and Roger Penrose)

• Partially satellite-based VX experiment: will prove that more than one quantum world exists (with Anton Zeilinger)

• Locally-counterfactual superluminal telegraph (with Uwe Niedersen and Jürgen Parisi)

• Everett immortality (with Markus Fix and Bryce DeWitt)

• Aging equation (with Reimara Rossler and Peter Kloeden)

• An evolutionary explanation of the higher female longevity (with Reimara Rossler, Peter Kloeden and Bob May)

• A constant-temperature physico-chemical time-of-life clock in the body, predicted (with Reimara Rossler)

• Melatonin as a likely “handle” of the time-of-life clock (with Reimara Rossler and Peter Kloeden)

• Lampsacus, hometown of all persons on the Internet (with Valentino Braitenberg and Gerhard J. Lischka)

• An attempt to found Lampsacus in homage to Anaxagoras (with Ezer Weizmann and Mohamed ElNaschie) [quote from Beer Sheva: “This is what Israel was meant for”]

• “Earth-Moon University” in Lampsacus (with Wilfried Kriese, Artur P. Schmidt and George E. Lasker)

• The 16-level “pyramid of knowledge” in Lampsacus

• “WM-diagram”: simultaneous signals sent up and down in time across different levels, in gravity (with Dieter Froehlich)

• A gravitational-redshift proportional size increase, implicit in the WM diagram (with Dieter Froehlich, Heinrich Kuypers and Jurgen Parisi)

• The most energetic photon possible (with Heinrich Kuypers)

• All black holes are “almost-black holes” since they are never finished in finite time (with Dieter Froehlich, Heinrich Kuypers, Hans Diebner and Mohamed ElNaschie)

• Non-uniqueness of simultaneity on the rotating cylinder (with Dieter Froehlich, Normann Kleiner and Francisco J. Muller)

• Correct proof of angular-momentum conservation in gravity (with Heinrich Kuypers and Martin Pfaff)

• Only apparent invariance of transverse size in the new locally isotropic gravitational size increase (in parallel to the only apparent invariance of the transverse size in the likewise locally isotropic Lorentz contraction)

• Einstein’s gravitational Time dilation possesses three new corollaries: Length, Mass and Charge suffer a proportional or antiproportional change (“TeLeMaCh” theorem)

• General relativity is in for a far-reaching mathematical and physical re-interpretation

• c is globally constant (Max Abraham rehabilitated)

• Nonexistence of gravitational waves (as a corollary)

• Nonexistence of gravitons (as a corollary)

• The famous “indirect evidence for gravitational waves” (Hulse-Taylor) explained instead by tidal friction (with Dieter Froehlich and René Stettler)

• A “Reeb foliation in spacetime” exists around every rotating black hole (with Dieter Froehlich following stimulation by Art Winfree)

• Kerr metric disproved (as a corollary)

• Ur-meter disproved (via Telemach theorem)

• Ur-kilogram disproved (via Telemach theorem)

• Charge conservation in physics disproved (via Telemach theorem)

• Black holes are haved of one of their 3 hairs: charge (while mass and angular momentum remain)

• Reissner-Nordstrom metric disproved (via Telemach theorem)

• Eddington-Finkelstein transformation disproved (with apology to my good friend David)

• Bekenstein theory disproved (via Telemach theorem)

• Hawking radiation disproved (with apology to a world hero)

• “Coordinate singularity at the horizon”: rehabilitated as a physical singularity (via Telemach theorem)

• “Interior Schwarzschild solution” disproved

• “Singularity theorem” inside black hole horizon disproved (with apology to my friend Roger)

• “Wormholes” disproved

• Upper half of “Flamm’s paraboloid” replaced by a generic 3-pseudosphere (the lower half disappears)

• The Sackur-cell explanation of h entails non-existence on the exo level of all field particles

• The exo-nonexistence of the field particles implies that Supersymmetry is nonexistent

• The human Lorenz matrix of facial expressions: a universal natural facial-expressions simulator (with Wilfried Musterle)

• An equation for a one-dimensional – purely temporal – brain (with Michael Conrad, similarly Susie Vrobel)

• Evil is a contagious disease (unlike the good, evil cannot arise spontaneously)

• Children and adults form two different species, ethologically speaking (with Konrad Lorenz)

• “Pongo goneotrophicus” (meaning “the parent-feeding ape”) is a more appropriate biological name for Homo sapiens

• Biochemical life (including Robert Forward’s nuclear-chemical life) on the one hand, and “brain life” on the other, are functionally disjoint (Hanns Ruder introduced me to Forward’s book “The Dragon’s Egg”)

• Electrons have finite volume (owing to Telemach)

• As a corollary, string theory is qualitatively (but not quantitatively) confirmed

• The empirical confirmation of string theory implies that a successful generation of black holes at particle colliders has become much more likely

• Freshly generated black holes are undetectable by the detectors of particle colliders

• The empirical ten-orders-of-magnitude “quasar scaling law” extends downwards by some 50 orders of magnitude (owing to the new properties of black holes)

• There exist no more unstoppable and voracious parasites in the universe than black holes

• Miniature black holes grow exponentially inside solid matter (once they get stuck)

• “Clifford conjecture”: finite-universe solutions to the Einstein equation are unphysical (with Walter Ratjen); if so, there exists no “Gödel solution” and no time travel

• Fractal dimensionality of the cosmos is close to unity, not only empirically but also theoretically (“Fournier-Mandelbrot solution” to the Einstein equation)

• A first consistent history of galaxy formation is taking shape

• The newly discovered very far-away mature old galaxy BX442 (more than ten billion light years) is only the first – optically little-distorted – example of its kind (besides the many still older quasars)

• Low-surface-brightness galaxies (“black galaxies”) are about 50 billion years old (with Henry Gebhardt)

• Giacconi’s ultra-faint equidistributed X-ray sources most likely are ultra-distant ultra-high-redshift quasars – so that redshift measurements are highly desirable (with Dieter Froehlich)

• The microwave background radiation is predicted to merge smoothly with equal-temperature galactic-halo objects (hence the raw data of the Planck mission deserve to be published)

• There exist differentiable dynamical systems that are made up, not of 1-D locally parallel threads as customary, but of 2-D locally parallel surfaces (Bouligand-Winfree theory)

• Inadvertent re-discovery of Zwicky-Chandrasekhar “dynamical friction” (with Dieter Froehlich and Normann Kleiner, in contact with Ilya Prigogine, Alfred Klemm, Joachim Peinke and Jurgen Parisi)

• The not quite straight Hubble-Perlmutter line holds true in a non-expanding Fournier-Mandelbrot cosmos (with Dieter Froehlich, Ramis Movassagh and Anthony Moore)

• Dynamical friction numerically confirmed (with Klaus Sonnleitner)

• “Deterministic statistical thermodynamics” (with Hans Diebner)

• “Deterministic statistical cryodynamics”: exists as a new fundamental science side by side with deterministic statistical thermodynamics (with Klaus Sonnleitner, Frank Kuske and Christophe Letellier)

• “Deterministic ectropy” in statistical cryodynamics (with Ali Sanayei)

• The smaller (almost) black hole in a pair-collision predictably gets re-circulated with all the still in-falling particles which jointly make it up (with Dieter Froehlich)

• Black hole mergers are a source of both charged and uncharged cosmic rays of moderate energies

• Conjecture: 50 percent of all matter in the cosmos is (almost) black holes (with Dieter Froehlich)

• “Metabállon anapaúetai” (metabolizing it remains at rest): Heraclitus’ transfinitely recycling cosmology, proven valid after 2 ½ millennia

• Abramowicz’s “topology inversion” near a black-hole’s horizon, confirmed (with Dieter Froehlich)

• “Identity jumps” between 3 indistinguishable classical particles on a ring (with Peter Weibel and Richard Wages)

• In a classical radiationless atom containing two indistinguishable electrons, two spherical shells are formed (with Dietrich Hoffmann and George Kampis)

• Is the “flotor” (Ralph Hollis) a transluminally fast measuring device? (with Peter Plath)

• The counterfactual superluminal telegraph is “subluminally confirmable (with Uwe Niedersen)

• A counterfactual world-change machine (with Jürgen Parisi and Koichiro Matsuno)

• History of the transfinitely exact indistinguishability (Anaxagoras, Gregorius of Naziance, the Mutakallimún, Bruno, Spinoza, Leibniz, Gibbs, Pauli), in exchanges with Martin Hoffmann, Joe Ford, Hans Primas, Peter Weibel, Alexandre Ganoczy, Richard Wages, Rudolf Matzka Elisabeth von Samsonow, Jurgen Heiter, Anna-Sophie Mahler)

• “Everett-Schrödinger Russian Roulette” (with Markus Fix)

• Unit “el-action” is a new universal conserved quantity (like the unit action)

• Unit “el-cession” is a new universal conserved quantity (like the unit cession)

• “G-zero” is a new fundamental constant replacing the universal gravitational constant G and the universal vacuum permeability constant mu-zero, which both remain unchanged locally (similarly Richard J. Cook and György Darvas)

• The nonlinear simultaneity generator in the brain forms a qualitative analog of general relativity (with Eva Ruhnau)

• Cryodynamics and thermodynamics, combined, allow for an eternal cosmology in the footsteps of Heraclitus

• No WIMPs since cold dark matter was disproved

• No dark energy, in the absence of accelerated expansion

• No Big Bang and no space expansion since cryodynamics explains the Hubble-Perlmutter law in a stationary fractal cosmos

• “No Big Bang” also follows directly from the global constancy of c

• No inflation, in the absence of space expansion

• No “primordial” nucleosynthesis, in the absence of space expansion

• No Sunyaev-Zel’dovich cutoff, in the absence of a distant origin of the background radiation

• The decades-old problem of the “survival conditions of the scientific-technological world” (C.F. von Weizsäcker) remains a pressing problem of humankind

• The new results on black holes (facilitated production, non-evaporation, unchargedness, exponential growth inside matter) change the safety equation of any attempt at producing them on earth

• The LHC experiment, designed for producing black holes (amongst other courageous aims like finding the Higgs field), is being run at history-making energies and luminosities for almost two years

• Simultaneously CERN refuses to update its 4-years old LHC safety report – even though a stop may soon come too late

• An attempt to convene an “LHC safety conference” (with Markus Goritschnig and many other scientists) fizzled, although a court would humbly suggest it and a whole country had briefly left CERN out of concern (and the United Nations’ Security Council is concerned with the matter for more than a year – which fact explains the media curfew)

• Leo Szilard’s 1948 proposal to slow-down scientific progress by introducing the modern peer review system (which admits only differentiable increments in the fractal landscape of truth) is co-responsible for the current “Sleeping Beauty” period in science which may prove suicidal

• Proposal to employ the new science of cryodynamics to stabilize Tokamak-type fusion reactors so as to generate unlimited free energy for humankind just got published (I thank Eric Klien for encouragement)

(Friedrich Valjavek kindly compiled an annotated bibliography in 2002: )