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CERN continues even though the matter is before the UN Security Council.

There is no counterproof to my published and public results. Presently the odds that the planet will be shrunk to 2 cm in perhaps 5 years’ time are 1:70, to be raised to 1:30 in the next two months if CERN continues.

Everyone who loves his child or his life or the planet by a higher factor is my ally. Please, request a response from your mayor and priest and counselor and merchant and newspaper office.

The best advisor in such an unprecedented situation may be your child since children still have a connection to heaven.

But hurry up. Maybe you are even a member of a social network?

12 Comments so far

  1. LOL.

    You are disproved, last time on this blog. Your were not able to define your own equations or to repair them . Because of that you are not even a scientist.

    Your bullshit concerning the security council shows that you are loosing contact to reality as well.

  2. Experiment 1: try to disprove physicists who keep their elite students, mathematics, particle physics, research, laboratories, and much expensive experiments in line with financial funding from federations, and you will end up being ridiculed, insulted, and defied by experiment 2: their elite students, mathematics, particle physics, research, laboratories, and much expensive experiments in line with financial funding from federations. Experiment 3: do experiment 1 without the aforementioned elite students, mathematics, physics, particle physics, research, laboratories, and much expensive experiments in line with great financial funding from federations, to see how quickly you are getting disproved by experiments 1 and 2. You will be disproved as fast as only elite students, mathematics, particle physics, research, laboratories, and much expensive experiments in line with great financial funding from federations, can make it happen. You do not have to be a scientist to learn by those rules, you will be insane or at least being ridiculed, insulted, and defied enough for getting so. Psychology was the only chance to avoid this dilemma called physics, but who would be granted the necessary human rights for doing large psychological experiments in line with great financial funding from federations to avoid the growing suicidal tendencies in particle physics for humankind?

  3. Thank you for these very humane considerations. Still allow me to add another facet.

    Being disproved or not has this element of falsifiability to it: Claims do not suffice. It is fairly easy to see for the world whether a renowned scientist has found a disproof — claiming without substance he cannot afford. This is why they all fell silent before the public. Only that the public does not know what this means.

    For example, the fact that a most meritful physicist like Gerard ‘t Hooft fell silent cannot be deciphered directly by the public. For this reason I beg him not to be angry with me if I am using our “professional friendship” here to disclose to the public that he is no longer my adversary (unless, of course, he protests in the open). The same holds true for the handful of past adversaries who came up with an alleged disproof: they all fell silent after I showed their arguments to be wrong. This fact means that they admitted defeat.

  4. You have shown nothing. On the contrary you felt silent by avoiding to answer questions to your own diagrams, equations, variables etc.

    There is a short-version here:

    The questions in the Korean finger-thread are still waiting forRössler answering them.

    The conclusion of this discussions has not changed since then. Rössler cannot explain or derive his equations. He can not repair his crap. He is disproved.

  5. I had not seen your contribution yet — forgive the overlap.

    Yes, the experiments have the same danger potential anywhere — unfortunately so. What distinguished the CERN experiment is solely its unprecedented power concentrated in the small.

    If it were not dangerous — or anyone could at long last show it isn’t — it would be a marvel in the history of science. (Although the American collider would have been even more beautiful — and likely less closed to rational safety considerations.)

    Sincerely yours, Otto E. Rossler

  6. El Naschie is a crackpot. There is no reason to apologize.

    You have to apologize for calling me a racist. And of course for the accusation against scientists made in your posting above.

  7. BTW: You can not expect that anyone wants to discuss with you after this headline. You are a demagogue, an agitator — and far away from being a scientist.

    Shame on you!

  8. Accusation is not diffamation — it is the last hope to call someone back from doing an evil act. And please, stop appearing here before the UN Security Council unless apologizing.

  9. here is not the UN security council. You are totally delusional.

    PS: No one at the UN is discussing Rösslers junkscience.

  10. Rossler: PLEASE stop it, this is pathetic.

    Your crackpottery is NOT being discussed at the UNSC. Whoever told you that was making fun of you. Check the daily and monthly programmes of the Council by yourself if you don’t believe me…

  11. “Your bullshit concerning the security council shows that you are loosing contact to reality as well.”

    Hansel, your credentials are insufficient to continue in these exchanges. Anyone who adopts the ignorant new Web usage of “loose” for “lose” cannot claim to be a paid up member of the educated classes.

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