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Here at the Lifeboat Foundation, we are pondering a website redesign. Are there any professional web designers in the audience who might be able to devote some evening/weekend time to brainstorming possible improvements and implementing them? If so, please get in contact with me via email.

Here is a small banner to put on your site if you want to link to us:

And one more:

Also, we are looking for any graphic artists to help with ads and the like.

Thanks for your help!

5 Comments so far

  1. While you guys redesign your site, I should call attention to the Space Blogroll, a list of all the space-/astronomy-/rocketry-related blogs that I can find. I recently added your blog to the blogroll; including yours there are now 178 blogs on the blogroll. If you would like to add the Space Blogroll to your sidebar, you can find the necessary code for that here. If you don’t want to add the space blogroll, that’s ok too, you’re on the blogroll regardless.

    I also run the Space Feeds aggregator, which brings together the 50 most recent space blog posts from over 120 blogs (including this one), the 50 most recent news stories from three dozen space news sites, astronomy picture of the day, NASA TV, astronomy podcasts, and loads of space-related links. You might find it a useful tool.

  2. Another redesign? Looking at the Lifeboat Foundation’s tax forms, it looks like just about 82% of all the funding has been spent on web development.

    In 2002: $23,087 contributed, $16,773 spent on website.
    In 2003: $46,387 contributed, $40,562 on website.
    In 2004: $15,721 contributed, $14,637 on website.
    In 2005: $4,271 contributed, $1,367 on website.

    Don’t you guys think that some of the contributions should be invested? Assets at the end of 2005 were $3,249 and $3,195 of that is computer equipment (probably the servers that run this web site). That leaves $54 in cash. Seems like people’s kind donations are being spent in the form of “wages” to a web developer as soon as they come in. At this rate, the Lifeboat fund will never be worth anything.

    Speaking of which: How come expenses aren’t subtracted from the funds total listed at the top of the page. Seems artificially inflated to me.

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  4. I’m glad that the Life Boat foundation is here. As a life extenisionist/cryonicist I’m glad to see others who feel as passionate about life and safeguarding it as me. Keep up the good work.

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