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Aug 21, 2017

Cyberwar on Iran Won’t Work. Here’s Why

Posted by in category: military

A renewed campaign of covert network attacks is more likely to spur Tehran’s nuclear efforts than hinder them.

The Iran nuclear deal is increasingly at risk, with President Trump threatening to overrule his top national security advisers and defy the assessment of international monitors to declare Iran non-compliant with the agreement’s stipulations. The problem for the administration, however, is that no viable alternative is better than the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. If Trump rips up the JCPOA, the U.S. would forfeit the stringent limitations placed on Iran’s enrichment activities and the international community would lose the unprecedented transparency it now has on Iran’s nuclear program. Even more daunting, the United States would become isolated in its approach to Iran, opposed by Europe, Russia, China, and much of the rest of the world.

Perhaps a more realistic concern is the prospect that the administration will nominally uphold the deal, while engaging in aggressive covert action against Iran. Increasingly, when traditional military and diplomatic options appear too costly, states turn to cyber warfare. But a stepped-up cyber offensive against Iran is very unlikely to yield desirable results. Not only is it unlikely to be effective in its immediate objectives, but it risks antagonizing Iran into precisely the kinds of behavior the hawks want to forestall.

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Aug 21, 2017

Paul Tudor Jones Wants to Crowdsource “Good” Companies — By Imogen Rose-Smith | Institutional Investor

Posted by in categories: business, economics, ethics, finance

” … Paul Tudor Jones co-founded JUST Capital to fix the ills of corporate capitalism by identifying the most just or “good” companies. Will it work?”

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Aug 21, 2017

Skills needed to fill U.S. plant job openings — By Dan Sewell and Christopher S. Rugaber | The Associated Press

Posted by in category: employment

“It’s true that many jobs have gone overseas, to lower-wage workers.

But at the same time, American manufacturers have actually added nearly a million jobs in the past seven years. Labor statistics show nearly 390,000 such jobs open.”

Aug 21, 2017

UK scientists create world’s smallest surgical robot to start a hospital revolution — By Rachel Ellis | The Guardian

Posted by in categories: health, robotics/AI

“British scientists have developed the world’s smallest surgical robot which could transform everyday operations for tens of thousands of patients.”

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Aug 21, 2017

Stress and Brain: Jaime Tartar

Posted by in categories: health, neuroscience

Jaime Tartar tells us about how the brain interprets what is stressful, how it determines our behavioral and physiological response to stressors, and how it can be damaged by stress. She will discuss how the body’s reaction to acute stress has protective and adaptive effects in the short run while chronic stress can lead to poor health consequences such as decreased memory performance and depression.

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Aug 21, 2017

A new era of music

Posted by in categories: media & arts, robotics/AI

Listen to the first pop song composed entirely by an AI!

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Aug 21, 2017

False Positives in Senescent Cell Detection

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

As your body ages, increasing amounts of your cells enter a state of cellular senescence. These cells no longer divide or support the tissues of which they are a part, and they emit a cocktail of harmful chemical signals that encourage other nearby cells to also enter the same senescent state.

The presence of senescent cells contributes to decreasing tissue function, increases chronic inflammation, and can even raise the risk of cancer and other age-related diseases.

Senescent cells normally destroy themselves via a programmed process called apoptosis and are removed by the immune system; however, the immune system declines with age, and increasing numbers of these senescent cells escape this disposal process and accumulate.

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Aug 21, 2017

The Great Transhumanist Game — Part 1 — How to Win

Posted by in categories: economics, geopolitics, transhumanism

~ Gennady Stolyarov

This video was created by Gennady Stolyarov II, Chairman of the U.S. Transhumanist Party, as a piece in the Great Transhumanist Game orchestrated by Professor Angel Marchev, Sr., Ph.D., of the University of National and World Economy in Sofia, Bulgaria.

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Aug 21, 2017

The Great Transhumanist Game — Part 2 — How to Play and Not to Play

Posted by in categories: economics, geopolitics, transhumanism

~ Gennady Stolyarov

This is the second video created by Gennady Stolyarov II, Chairman of the U.S. Transhumanist Party, as a piece in the Great Transhumanist Game orchestrated by Professor Angel Marchev, Sr., Ph.D., of the University of National and World Economy in Sofia, Bulgaria.

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Aug 21, 2017

In Switzerland, Giant Fans Suck Carbon out of the Air and Feed It to Vegetables

Posted by in category: food

Giant fans start capturing CO2 from the air as the world’s first commercial carbon capture plant goes live.

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