

Search results for 'a lifeboat for consciousness': Page 97

May 14, 2018

Biological and Artificial Intelligence

Posted by in categories: biological, neuroscience, robotics/AI, transhumanism

We all feel overwhelmed by the speed at which new computing technologies are being thrown at us, but we haven’t seen anything yet. With the upcoming breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence technology, today’s computers will look like prehistoric tools, within just a few years. Systems are likely to follow suit, bringing us closer to strong AI, a moment when machines will be as smart as any human being. The question many fear is what will happen if and when machines become much brighter than us? In “What’s on their mind?” system consultant Serge Van Themsche describes through an engaging discussion with his driverless car, the main AI issues any concerned citizen should know about. This conversation resorts to hard and soft disciplines to better explain AIn this book you will get to understand: — What are biological and artificial knowledge, intelligence, and self-consciousness? — Which new neuroscience evidence shows how our brain programs data coming from our senses? — How can simple formulas, such as 2 power of i −1, explain how our neurons connect? — Can emotions be computable? — Can machines already create knowledge without any human interference? — Why must the computer industry mimic as closely as possible the brain functionalities to develop intelligent androids? — Why will AI be based on a discrete world rather than a digital one? — Will humans become super beings? This book will enable every reader, with or without a scientific or philosophical background, to grasp the similarities and differences between brains and computers. By doing so, he or she will not only figure out the likely paths AI will follow but also how humans will use these new technologies to transform themselves into super beings. Even though not all readers might be looking forward to Transhumanism, the movement that apprehends these modifications, they can get prepared for this future co-existence with smart robots. In the meantime, they will at least, gain a clear understanding of how their own mind works and why they become knowledgeable, intelligent, and self-aware.

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Apr 30, 2018

Futurist Gray Scott

Posted by in categories: business, quantum physics, robotics/AI, singularity, virtual reality
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Twitter: @grayscott


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Apr 26, 2018

This Start-Up Wants to Upload Your Brain to a Computer

Posted by in categories: computing, neuroscience

This tech might be able to recreate your consciousness in a computer. The only catch? You have to die.

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Apr 17, 2018

One machine to rule them all: A ‘Master Algorithm’ may emerge sooner than you think

Posted by in categories: information science, robotics/AI

Will robots dream in ones and zeros? Can they appreciate a rose by any other name? Perhaps a new class calculus will provide us with those answers, and machines with consciousness.

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Apr 10, 2018

Your Mind Is Not Limited to Your Brain, Scientists Say

Posted by in category: neuroscience

Have you ever questioned someone’s state of mind or reminded someone that it pays to be mindful? Maybe you’ve told someone that they needed to be more open-minded? Or perhaps you’ve felt like you need to find some peace of mind for yourself.

But have you ever wondered what exactly a mind is?

If you try, it’s quite difficult to define the concept. It is the center and stronghold of your being, the basis of your consciousness and without it can you even be considered to be truly alive? I have wondered many times about what and where it is.

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Mar 19, 2018

Just Call Cryogenic Suicide What It Is: Selfie Death

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience, transhumanism

Even if a client isn’t fearful of death and doesn’t buy into the preposterous idea that his consciousness can be revived (scientists aren’t even close to figuring out how memories could possibly be preserved), having his brain preserved and uploaded as a “program” based on the idea that it is worth enough to have future generations maintain it, even interact with it, is the height of arrogance. It’s a self-centered ethos that seeks attention and admiration even after death. Transhumanism involves faith in science, sure, but that’s merely the means to the end.

Transhumanism is a religion of self, embedded with the doctrine of sola feels, all bundled into one medical procedure that literally ends your life.


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Mar 14, 2018

Silicon Valley billionaire pays $10k to be killed and have his brain preserved

Posted by in categories: computing, life extension, neuroscience

A SILICON Valley billionaire is paying the ultimate price for the chance of immortality: death.

Well that, and a spare ten grand.

Entrepreneur Sam Altman is one of 25 people who have splashed the cash to join a waiting list at Nectome – a startup that promises to upload your brain into a computer to grant eternal life to your consciousness.

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Feb 21, 2018

Will We Ever Be Able to Upload a Mind to a New Body?

Posted by in categories: mapping, neuroscience, robotics/AI

The Netflix series takes place hundreds of years in the future, but references versions of technology that have been in development for years, like brain mapping, human and AI neural links, and mind uploading to computers. Millions of dollars has been bumped into technological ideas that promise, one day, our brains will be turned digital. That said, there are those who believe the human mind is too complex, and our consciousness too nuanced, to be recreated in a digital product. And none of that even goes into what would happen if someone’s digitized mind was placed into real human flesh.

Will we ever be able to upload our minds into other bodies? Furthermore, should we? And honestly, if we ever achieved such a feat, could we even call ourselves human anymore? On this week’s Giz Asks, we reached out to experts in neuroscience, philosophy and futurism.

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Feb 12, 2018

Humans Could Soon Become Immortal, But The Cost May Be Horrifying. Would You Do It?

Posted by in categories: life extension, neuroscience, transhumanism

So will we ever be able to do this or is this just a pipe dream? Plenty has been written about the future and what we may be able to do one day, but not much attention gets paid to the hurdles we have yet to overcome. Forget all the techno-babble, philosophy, and transhumanism – how close is this brave new world to our present time?

“Any way you look at it, all the information that a person accumulates in a lifetime is just a drop in a bucket.”

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Feb 11, 2018

Space exploration should be an initiative of nations, not just some rich guy

Posted by in categories: neuroscience, policy, space travel

Maybe it’s because Robert Lepage is touring The Far Side of the Moon to the Adelaide Festival. Or that a new Star Trek is on TV. Or maybe it’s because I feel like the only person alive who really – really – liked Luc Besson’s Valerian, but space, fantasies of the final frontier, and the real voyages that human beings may yet dare to make into it are very much on my mind. This week saw a number of news items concerning our tentative outreach to the stars that, for all their frustrating revelations, might yet prick the aspiration for space missions back into the popular policy consciousness…

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