

Search results for 'a lifeboat for consciousness': Page 101

Apr 20, 2017

Neuroscientists Can Now Read Your Dreams With a Simple Brain Scan

Posted by in category: neuroscience

Like islands jutting out of a smooth ocean surface, dreams puncture our sleep with disjointed episodes of consciousness. How states of awareness emerge from a sleeping brain has long baffled scientists and philosophers alike.

For decades, scientists have associated dreaming with rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, a sleep stage in which the resting brain paradoxically generates high-frequency brain waves that closely resemble those of when we’re awake.

Yet dreaming isn’t exclusive to REM sleep. A series of oddball reports also found signs of dreaming during non-REM deep sleep, when the brain is dominated by slow-wave activity—the opposite of an alert, active, conscious brain.

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Apr 7, 2017

Workplace diversity will soon include artificial intelligence

Posted by in categories: economics, employment, robotics/AI

A tsunami of change is already arriving. Artificial intelligence is now capable of doing desk jobs that were previously safe from automation. The social and economic effects remain to be seen, but is AI what we think it is?

Workplaces that include (AI) will soon be reality, say researchers who believe the rise of AI in all areas of life is not only inevitable, it’s set to reshape the way we think about consciousness and human identity.

From Metropolis to 2001: A Space Odyssey and The Terminator, robots and super-intelligent AIs in film have seduced and terrified our collective consciousness, having an impact on how we view artificial intelligence. But will they really crush the puny humans and take over the world?

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Mar 31, 2017

Has Neuroscience Been Looking In the Wrong Place All Along?

Posted by in category: neuroscience

Philosopher Alva Noë says there’s a big problem with neuroscience: It assumes brains produce consciousness.

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Mar 6, 2017

From AI to Anxiety Relief, The Brain Needs a Body

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, information science, life extension, robotics/AI

The goal of transcending flesh is an old fetish. Yogis meditated and fasted for eons in order to rise above our ‘meat casing,’ performing painful ablutions and inventing kriyas, intense breathing exercises that are physiologically indistinct from intentional hyperventilation. The goal of many religions, from some forms of Tibetan Buddhism to numerous strains of Christianity and Islam, is all about letting the spirit soar free.

While language changes, pretensions remain. Today we talk about ‘uploading consciousness’ to an as of yet discovered virtual cloud. Artificial intelligence is only moments away, so the story goes, with experts weighing in on the ethical consequences of creating machines void of emotional response systems. In this view consciousness, itself a loaded and mismanaged term, is nothing more than an algorithm waiting to be deciphered. Upon cracking the code, immortality awaits.

Of course others are more grounded. The goal of extending life to 150 years includes the body by default, though the mind is still championed above all else. Yet we seem to age in opposing directions by design. At forty-one little has changed in how I think about myself, yet my body is decaying: a post-knee surgery creek here, a perpetual tight shoulder there. It certainly feels like a slowly approaching transition, even if that, like much of life, is an illusion.

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Feb 28, 2017

Do Robots Deserve Rights?

Posted by in categories: ethics, robotics/AI

Super-smart robots with artificial intelligence is pretty much a foregone conclusion: technology is moving in that direction with lightning speed. But what if those robots gain consciousness? Will they deserve the same rights as humans? The ethics of this are tricky. Explore them in the video below.

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Feb 27, 2017

Science can help you reach enlightenment — but will it mess with your head?

Posted by in categories: government, neuroscience, science

A Navy SEAL, broad-chested and strongly built, floats peacefully on the water, as his recent deployment to a war-torn country becomes a distant memory.

Sealed inside a pitch-black sensory deprivation tank in the Mind Gym at Navy SEALs headquarters in Norfolk, Va., electrodes attached to his head, he has reached an altered state of consciousness referred to as “ecstasis” or “stepping outside oneself.”

It’s a state achieved by many others throughout time. High-performance athletes are in ecstasis when they ski down huge mountains or surf giant waves. Monks attain it after years of meditation. Mystics feel it when they have visions. And the US government uses it to try to reset their most elite warriors after brutal battles abroad.

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Feb 27, 2017

‘They want to be literally machines’: Writer Mark O’Connell on the rise of transhumanists

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, cryonics, cyborgs, life extension, neuroscience, transhumanism

Slate book columnist Mark O’Connell’s new book To Be a Machine, which is specifically about #transhumanism, is out tomorrow. So there’s a ton of reviews out in major media. The last chapter in the book is about my work. Here are 3 reviews just out on the book. ALSO, I highly encourage you to BUY the book to help transhumanism grow. Mark’s book is the first book specifically on the movement with this kind of international attention, and the better the book does the first week, the more people will know about transhumanism:…biohackers &…e34127614/ &…rview.html

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Feb 25, 2017

A giant neuron found wrapped around entire mouse brain

Posted by in category: neuroscience

3D reconstructions show a ‘crown of thorns’ shape stemming from a region linked to consciousness.

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Feb 16, 2017

The strange link between the human mind and quantum physics

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience, quantum physics

The problems that I have seen when limiting the topic of quantum mechanics to the human mind topic is that the relationship around Quantum Mechanics to biology is missed completely. For example, it has only be in the recent few years that scientists began to understand Quantum Mechanics Action of ELF electromagnetic fields and its relationship to human cells. And, this find has open valuable research in how cells can (through electromagnetic fields can spin a low temperatures) mimic telepathy communicating between the human cells.

Nobody understands what consciousness is or how it works. Nobody understands quantum mechanics either. Could that be more than coincidence?

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Feb 4, 2017

Architects Reveal What They Think “The City of the Future” Will Look Like

Posted by in categories: space, sustainability

In Brief

  • From colonies on Mars to massive pods under the sea, architects and urban planners have come up with some wildly imaginative designs for the future of city living.
  • Given current population trends and our ever-worsening environment, we need to start thinking now about how humanity will live in the future.

When you imagine what the cities of the future will look like, it’s hard to think that we can do more than what some nations have already achieved. For instance, Dubai, Japan, and Singapore feature some of the world’s most impressive modern architectural marvels; Helsinki is pioneering a future in data transparency; Brazil is setting the standard for efficient and sustainable mass transportation and eco-consciousness; and Korea is defining an urban landscape anchored on digital connectivity.

But architects and urban planners are letting their imaginations run wild — after all, where else can we go but toward our most outlandish, exciting, and sometimes even dystopian imaginings of the future?

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