The system wrote a news article that’s almost good enough to print.
They’re little battlers, the greatest survivors on the planet and you may have them in your garden, writes Lana Hart.
They’ve been boiled, frozen, put in vacuums, starved, and exposed to unbearable pressures and radiation — but scientists can’t kill this creature.
They are the only animal to have survived all five of earth’s mass extinctions. This incredible feat is due to their development of unique survival mechanisms not seen in other parts of the animal kingdom.
Engineers at the University of California San Diego used a technique called spark-plasma sintering to create the new metallic glass.
They did this by placing powdered iron into a graphite mold and then raising the pressure it is under to 1,000 atmospheres.
They then zapped the powder with an electric current, heating it to 1166°F (630°C), causing it to bind together without ever becoming liquid.